Category Archives: Zulu

KZN Eyethu: Ziyanda izigameko zokubulawa kwabantu kwaNdengezi

Nkululeko Khati

KUDUTSHULWE kwabulawa umakhelwane wekhansela lakwawadi 12 uMnuz Mobeni Khwela (46) KwaNdengezi ngoLwesithathu ebusuku.

Kuthiwa uKhwela obengagqamile kwezepolitiki uhlaselwe abantu abangaziwa ekwakhe ebusuku ngo-7.30.

Bamdubule amahlandla angu-7 washonela endleleni eya esibhedlela ngemumva kokubizelwa i-ambulensi.

Kuvele nokuthi udubuleke ethangeni nasemlenzeni uKhwela.

Leliphephandaba like labika phambilini ngokudutshulwa kwabulawa uNks Thuli Ndlovu (38) ngenyanga edlule ebusuku ekwakhe kuyo lendawo. Continue reading

Padkos: Pan-African Heritage of Struggle – Firoze Manji on Amilcar Cabral (24 September)

Church Land Programme is privileged to host Firoze Manji on Heritage Day, 24th September, from 10:30am till lunchtime at the CLP office.

Firoze Manji, of the Pan-African Baraza, has recently co-edited an amazing book on Amilcar Cabral – “revolutionary, poet, liberation philosopher, and leader of the independence movement of Guinea Bissau and Cape Verde” (Manji, 2013). Based on that new book, Claim No Easy Victories: The Legacy of Amilcar Cabral (co-edited with Bill Fletcher Jr. and published to mark the 40th anniversary of Cabral’s assassination), Firoze will share some thoughts on the heritage of Cabral’s political thought and praxis for us here and now.  Firoze and his colleagues have been gracious hosts and key supporters of emancipatory struggles from our corner of the African continent, and it’s a real pleasure to re-connect with him. Continue reading


Manji: Despotic governments in Africa

Introduction to Amílcar Cabral (English & Zulu)

The Legacy of Amilcar Cabral

Padkos: Thinking and learning an emancipatory praxis

Thinking and learning an emancipatory praxis

Thinking and learning an emancipatory praxis requires not only a confrontation with forces and ideologies of the right, but also with those elements in leftist traditions that re-inscribe authoritarian dogmatism, hierarchical power, political exclusion, and contemptuous vanguardism. No ideological orientation guarantees that we're safeguarded against these tendencies – but humanist, autonomist, and anarchist traditions of the left become important resources since they explicitly critique them and, perhaps more importantly, explore practical ways of doing politics against them.

In this edition of Padkos we're sharing a short note on “Christianity and Anarchism” that Mark Butler and Graham Philpott (CLP) recently wrote for our friends at the Anabaptist Network of South Africa (ANISA). We point out that the “anti-establishment, anti-authoritarian” characteristics of Jesus' politics signals “important parallels and resonances” with anarchism.

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Butler & Philpott: Christianity & Anarchism

Graeber: The New Anarchists

QINA MhlaliOhluphekileQina

QINA MhlaliOhluphekileQina



PhelakuyozwauSbusisowakaZikode (escort)




UyewamemezauNkululekoumfokaGwalaeCato crest.



Abafelaamalungelo abo.

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Isihloko sithi izithembiso ezingafezekanga

Salinda! Salinda!

Ibanga elingaka sinomlando omngaka,

kuthina inkululeko ayifikanga, sikhathele

ilamaqabane azenza inkinga. Sicela inkululeko yethu ukuze

nelokishi lethu liphenduke UMhlanga Rocks.

Oyosikhulula siyomthanda njengo Rick Rocks

Abazi umnotho, kuthina bekungakaveli lutho.

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