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9 April 2014

Welcome to Hell: A march through the SA townships

Welcome Welcome to Hell: A march through the SA townshipsto Hell: A march through the SA townships

Welcome to Hell: A march through the SA townships
Way of Life Church Press Release
For immediate release – 19 March 2014
Start: Uluntu Centre, Klipfontein Rd in Gugulethu
Finish: Way of Life Church, 1 Joe Modise St in Mandela Park, Khayelitsha
Date: 19 April 2014
Time: 09:00

South Africa's Townships are nothing but glorified refugee camps, rat infested hellholes that must be dismantled. Let it be known across the breath and length of this country that this is the continuation of separate development; it perpetuates the notorious group areas act of yesteryear.

On the 19 April 2014, a significant weekend in the Christian calendar which commemorates the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (a story of suffering and hope), it is fitting that South Africans be reminded of the gruesome violence of township life. Through our 11.5km march from Gugulethu to Mandela Park, we want to bring to the attention of this nation the abnormality we have become too familiar with and desensitized to. We must interrupt the ongoing hypnosis that makes us accept such abhorrent living conditions.

All people who care about justice are invited to join us in the March as we highlight the historic evil intent in the design of South African townships.

It is our view that social ills such as unemployment, poverty, HIV / AIDS, overcrowded classrooms and clinics emanate and are exacerbated by this human settlement we call townships and informal settlements. We must remind the government of its primary function: that of creating favorable conditions for its citizens, ensuring that everybody has an equal and fair chance to make something of themselves.

For more information please contact:

Way of life Church office: 021 837 1239
Zimkitha Zilo: 078 954 0099