17 November 2010
Freedom and Dignity comes before housing
Mzonke Poni, the Chairperson of ABM WC writes
Date: 16 November 2010
While housing demand in South Africa is very huge like any other developing countries in the world it is import to point it out that the freedom and dignity should be priories over the crisis of housing in order to address the issue appropriately.
Housing crisis and providing houses for the poor in South Africa has been politicised and used as tool to divide the poor and to gain political power in the expense of the poorest of the poor.
As long as poor people’s dignity and freedom is not respected and protected the housing crisis in South Africa will remain a huge challenge and crisis for the government.
While it is difficult to separate people from politics and it is also difficult to separate politics from the development, and it is this reason why the housing crisis will remain a crisis and it is this reason why freedom and dignity must come before housing.
If the poor can not defend their own dignity and freedom they will continue to be the victims of politicised development.
But should they (the poor) gain their freedom and dignity they will be respected, consulted properly, participate meaningfully in their own development, make informed choices and decisions.
While the delivery of housing for the poor needs proper planning, Environmental Impact Assessments, Well located Land, Skills and expects, good implementation, consultations, Resources and etc.
Freedom and Dignity needs those in power and the society in broader context to have a will to listen and understand the poor voices on the ground and allow the poor to be the masters and drivers of their own development and this will only take place and make sense once everyone accept the fact that poor people are human beings and they are able to think for themselves.