Telling the untold stories: In West Bank

Telling the untold stories: In West Bank

From 'Mazet', an Umhlali doing solidarity work in Palestine


This world is still cut in two: Palestine, 2011


There are 2,5 million Palestinian living in West bank, 150 settlements and 100 outposts. There are 500,000 Israel settlers, 125 residential areas and 25 Industrial areas. Israel has constructed by passing roads for Palestinians which they use to move from one are to another. 80% of the West Bank is a danger zone. Palestinians needs permits to live in their homes. To reach their land for 70% of the Palestinians in West bank which is 3km away from them is impossible. Most of the times Israelis deny Palestinian the permits, they say its for security reasons. This then restrict Palestinians from using their land for farming which is the on the other side of the village and they need permits to move. In side the West Bank check points are being removed. There are 63 Permanent check points. Two major roads are controlled by two check points and Palestinians are unable to move freely. Jerusalem used to be a cultural, spiritual and commercial center and now Palestinians need special permits to access the city.

There are 520 closures in total:

63 check Points.
25 Partial check points.
171 earth mounds.
113 road gates.
69 road blocks.
20 earth walls.
10 trenches.
46 road barriers.

Movements and Access to services and assistance:

In education: 1,000 classrooms lacking, 24 schools with demolishing orders.
Health and Hospitals in east Jerusalem are restricted.
Water and Sanitation: 200,000 Palestinians not connected with water. Israeli government controls water supply. 200 communities are not connected to the sanitation and lots the sewerage spills out to the fields of the Palestinians.

Lively hoods and Economy:

17% of unemployment.
20% of people living in poverty.
55% food insecure.
34% malnutrition or stunted growth.
Physical insecurity:
There were 40 incidents per months in 2010 through settlers violence.
250,000 vulnerable.
90% of the complaints closed with no indictment.

Way forward

The only way forward to this is an end to demolitions, evictions and forced displacement. It is also important to:

* Ensure fair and non- discriminatory zone and planning.
* Enable safe movement and access to land resources.
* Protect Civilians from violence and harassment, end impunity by investigating all acts of violence

As the UNSC is meeting from today(20 September -23 September 2011.), the Palestinian government is bidding for Statehood and so far they had on managed to lobby seven countries to vote in favour of their statehood. According to one Palestinian,” If you want to be independent you must eat from what you grow”."Palestinians are victims of occupation, Israeli are victims of their government”.

NB: Statistics on this article are taken from UNOCHA: United Nations Office for co-ordination of Humanitarian Affairs occupied Palestinian territory.