The W Questions

[Note: Despite a number of requests before and since, the authorities refuse to give details about their housing policy to shackdwellers. The following questions – known as the “W-Questions” because they ask who, what, where, when – are a comprehensive list of unknowns concerning the government’s housing policy, and were sent to Mayor Obed Mlaba on 27 November 2005. A year later, no answers have been given. The attached pdf shows the demands, and a letter from the municipality cancelling a meeting at which these questions were to be discussed.]





Date: Sunday, 27 November 2005

Number of pages including this one: 3

Dear Mr. Mlaba

We are very much looking forward to your visit with us at the Pemary Ridge
settlement and are very hopeful that this visit will mark a positive way
forward for both shack dwellers and the Municipality. We have been asked to
prepare some questions for you in advance. We have had extensive discussions
with our constituency around the questions that we would like to put to you.

Before we list our key questions we would like to place on record the
central principles to which our constituency mandates us to adhere:

1. Central principles of the Abahlali base mjondolo.

1.1 There is often more than one family living in one shack and so we need one house per nuclear family and not one house per shack. Houses must be appropriate to family size.
1.2 For many people relocation would create serious problems so there have to be as many upgrades as possible in the areas where people currently live. Upgrades where people live are our first priority, developments on nearby lands are our second priority and relocation is our third and lowest priority.
1.3 In all instances priority must be given to local labour. Local people should receive training and skills development in order to be able to take advantage of opportunities emerging from new developments.
Opportunities for local businesses should also be channelled through local organisations.
1.4 In all instances there must be formal arrangements set up for ongoing People’s Housing Participation in the planning of developments. Appropriate stakeholder forums should include Abahlali base mjondolo, the Municipality, consultants, developers and contractors.
1.5 We need clear time frames and details for all agreements entered into, and questions asked of the municipality.
1.6 The demographic data currently being used is outdated and must be updated. We would like new research to be undertaken with extensive public participation.
1.7 While the need for adequate housing and services is urgent, so is the need for employment – it would be futile for all concerned if new housing were to result in cut-offs and evictions for families on grounds of inability to pay. Therefore developments need to be accompanied by job creation, and guarantees of protection for the poor against cut-offs and evictions.
1.8 We subscribe to the full spectrum of social and economic rights as enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa which includes, but is not limited to, the right to water, housing, employment,
freedom of expression & association, and dignity.

2.Specific questions about the Municipality’s planned housing developments

2.1 How many houses does the Municipality plan to build?
2.2 Where does the Municipality plan to build houses?
2.3 When does the Municipality plan to build the houses?
2.4. How does the Municipality plan to make sure that all developments are undertaken in a manner that results in formal and ongoing opportunities for people’s housing participation?
2.5 What plans does the Municipality have to ensure that local labour will be used on these projects and that people will be paid properly and be employed under decent conditions?
2.6 What plans does the Municipality have to train shack dwellers with the skills necessary to get work on these projects?
2.7 What arrangements will be made with regard to the provision of, and payment for, water, electricity, sanitation, refuse removal and rates in the new developments?
2.8 Will there be schools, parks, community halls, youth centres, libraries, clinics, gardens, market places and spaces set aide for sports fields and places of worship in the new developments?
2.9 What plans does the Municipality have to ensure that shack dwellers have access to sanitation, refuse removal, water and electricity while they wait for new developments?
2.10 What processes will be put in place to identify land in ward 23 and 25, and nearby areas, and for the Municipality to purchase or expropriate this land?

3. The Moreland Development

3.1 When will we receive full written details of the deal between Moreland and the Municipality?
3.2 How many houses will be built for shack dwellers, and what type of house?
3.3 Who will qualify for houses? (What will be the exact requirements for people to get a house?)
3.4 How will priority for housing be worked out?
3.5 What will happen to people who don’t qualify?
3.3 What will be the size of the houses?
3.5 What will be the size of the plots? Will they be sufficient to grow food on, and will the development support with community gardens, inputs, training and access to markets, the growing of food on these plots?
3.6 What arrangements will be made with regard to electricity, water, sanitation and refuse removal?
3.7 Will there be schools, parks, community halls, youth centres, libraries, clinics, gardens, market places and spaces set aide for sports fields and places of worship?
3.8 What arrangements will be made for public participation in the planning and implementation of this development?
3.10 What arrangements will be made to ensure that shack dwellers get work on this development and to provide training for shack dwellers to be able to get work on this development?
3.11 What arrangements will be made to subside transport from this development to the City? (Trains, buses and taxis)
3.12 While we are very excited about the proposal that the new development will not segregate rich and poor we would like to know what plans will be made to ensure that the poor are not treated badly by the rich in the new development. What plans are there to ensure democratic governance of the new development?
3.13. Is it not possible to rather use some or all of the money allocated for this project to buy and develop land where people are currently living?

We look forward to welcoming you to the Pemary Ridge settlement later this week.

Yours sincerely

S’Bu Zikode
On behalf of Abahlali base Mjondolo