Women of Ward 80 March,Umlazi, Durban

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Women of Ward 80 March,Umlazi, Durban
by Raj
Friday March 31, 2006

In an unusually photogenic march, residents of Umlazi’s Ward 80, led by
the Women of Ward 80, took to the streets against their corrupt councillor,
Elliot Xulu. There were 20 arrests following a skirmish with Xulu’s goons.
All were released without charge.

The march begins in high spirits, led by representatives of Monica Ngcobo’s
family, and women relocated from Cato Manor in the late 1950s/early 60s.

One tactic, used to resist the attempt by the police to set the pace of the
march, is the strategic sit in. This, at the entrance to Section V, a major

The police are not amused, but there’s little they can do.

Pensioners get to sit in the truck (with hangers on) as it passes a sign for
the new MegaCity, an empowerment project that employs no-one from Section E.
One woman wanted to ‘tear it down and start again, with jobs for all of us’.

“You’ve been part of the solution”. Indeed.

Learners at the Commercial school cheer on.

“Thokozile” is a pseudonym, chosen by this woman leader of the march because
of fears of reprisal from Xulu.

The fears are well founded. Xulu, car shown, with him in the back (soon to
be hailed with abuse from passers by) sent one of his henchmen to take
photos of the march, from the school shown in the previous photo.

Some people attack Xulu’s henchman, who reportedly ends up in hospital. The
twenty were arrested, and then release without charge.

Members of the press were urged to photograph the weapons found on the
arrested men – a toy gun and a rusted axe blade.

Meanwhile the memorandum is read out at the march. People are not pleased
that Xulu isn’t there to receive it, and less pleased that, in the end, the
police are the ones to receive the memorandum.