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7 April 2014

Another March on Mlaba violently attacked by police, 28 September 2007

(Pictures by Mnikelo & Richard – in chronological order – now with updates from Fazel & Fillipo)

Click here to read S'bu Zikode's response to the attack on the march:'Silencing the Right to Speak is Taking Away Citizenship', here for the Memorandum that Mlaba didn't bother to come and collect, here for an article in the Independent on Saturday, here for an eyewitness account by Mark Butler, here for comment from Mnikelo Ndabankulu,here for comment from Brother Fillipo Mondini (here for a response by Jacques Depelchin, here for an open letter to Lindiwe Sisulu from 'Citizens Against Privatization' in New Zealand and here for an article in the Italian magazine Carta.

Click here for the arrest and injury lists which include Mr Kikine (53 years old) from Joe Slovo who was arrested after being shot 5 times in the back and once on the back of the left arm at close range with rubber bullets. She is obviously frail and was obviously in great pain but did not receive any medical attention while in custody. Her only crime – being too old to be able to run away quickly enough from an unprovoked police attack on a peaceful march.