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20 July 2018

International Solidarity Meeting to be Held in Durban

Friday 20 July 2018
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

International Solidarity Meeting to be Held in Durban

International solidarity is vital to our safety, and our ability to continue to organise during periods of repression. The ANC is happy to allow the politic of blood to rule impoverished people in Durban but it wants to appear as a liberation movement to the world. When the ANC knows that the eyes of the world are watching they often move away from the politic of blood and back to the politic of negotiation.

For this reason our movement works hard to build relationships with radical popular movements around the world, and those few NGOs that understand the importance of popular organisation and respect the autonomy of popular movements.

The International Network for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ESCR-Net) has consistently offered solidarity to us when we have faced serious repression and we are pleased to be co-hosting a meeting with them from 21 to 25 July. We will also host 15 militants from popular movements in various countries in a movement only meeting in the eNkanini Land Occupation. This meeting will be held in the community hall that was built on the occupation and the aim will be for militants from around the world to get to know each other and to learn from each other’s struggles

ESCR-Net consists of over 280 organisational and individual members in more than 75 countries, including many grassroots organisations, and is committed to economic, social and environmental justice. Delegates from 17 countries will participate in the meeting.

ESCR-Net has expressed grave concern regarding the ongoing threats and attacks faced by Abahlali baseMjondolo. The international delegates assembled in Durban are present to express their solidarity with Abahlali. ESCR-Net has stated that its members are in Durban to underscore the legitimacy of our struggle for land and dignity.

The meeting will be conducted under the slogan “your struggle is my struggle” and will discuss ways to advance collective action by struggles around the world for the realisation of human dignity.

Contact persons:

Thapelo Mohapi +27 62 892 5323
Mqapheli Bonono +27 73 067 3274