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28 November 2021

Letter of solidarity from the Socialist Party (Zambia)

Dear Comrades

Today 28 November 2021, Abahlali baseMjondolo, the shack dwellers movement in South Africa will hold its Elective Congress in Durban. Held every three years, this moment serves to deepen the movement’s internal democracy.

We know this year has been particularly difficult for AbM. The movement has faced extreme levels of persecution and repression from the state with various members having been arrested on false and trumped up charges. Considering AbM represents the most marginalized and oppressed members of society, it is the movement’s constituency that has been most violated by the neoliberal South African state’s response to the pandemic. Here, increased evictions and heightened levels of hunger have defined this moment.

In this context AbM remains true to its principle and commitment to democracy in practice. The movement must renew mandates as leadership is key to any organization. To be holding an election in this context also demonstrates the victory of the will of the people over those who consistently seek to oppress and persecute.

We recognize this moment not only as an important moment in South Africa, but an important moment for the oppressed and working class of Africa and the world.
Building a strong AbM through the principle of democracy is also our victory in Zambia!

Today we also note that the eKhenana Commune remains a triumph and symbol of hope to all of us who are in the struggle to build socialism throughout the world.

We wish you well today comrades in this very important moment in our world working class and oppressed history.

Viva Abahlali baseMjondolo!

In solidarity,
Socialist Party (Zambia)