28 January 2008
Solidarity: Gympie Street residents to hold march against evictions Wed 30th January 2008
When: Wed 30th Jan 2008
Where: Magistrate Court, Cape Town (between Buitenkant str & Parade str)
From: Gympie Street, Woodstock, via Sir Lowry Rd, into Buitenkant Str, turn into Barrack Str, turn right into Parade Street to Court.
Time: Starting point depart 7h30am arrival at Court 8h30
For two years now the people of Gympie Str have been living under the threat of eviction from their landlord. Different people have been coming around claiming to be representing the landlord and wanting to collect rent. The residents want clarity on who the real landlord is and are quite prepared to pay a reasonable rent. The landlord had the people evicted in the middle of winter, just like the previous apartheid regime. The landlord has tried all sorts of intimidation, from sending the police, to having the water and services turned off. It is clear that the threatened mass eviction of families who have been staying there for decades, is part of the gentrification process to clear the centre of the city of the working class so that landlords and capitalists can profit. Now the landlord has again threatened court action against the residents.
For more information
Willy Heyn 0731443619
Zehir Omar 0824925207