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14 July 2008

AEC: Backyard-dwellers of Gugulethu, Nyanga and Langa to march on Municipality

Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign Press Statement
14th July, 2008

Gugulethu — The Backyards of Gugulethu, Langa and Nyanga have been crying for help for the past fourteen years. Informal settlements are not the only places in Cape Town affected by the rain each winter. The backyard-dwellers in the townships are also flood victims. Still, all levels of government show that they only help high-profile cases; they ignore the plight of people living in the backyards.

The ruling parties and the media are always promote all the ‘good work’ they do ‘saving’ flood victims in informal settlements. The City of Cape Town and the provincial government claim to be working around the clock to help the flood victims of informal settlements with blankets, medical supplies, food parcels, and other materials which are given to a select few high profile cases. But while giving minimal support to newsworthy incidents, they have provided no help to the unseen masses living in Kapa’s backyards.

And so, later today, the 14th of July, the backyards will embark on their first mass protest demanding disaster flood relief in front of the Fezeka Municipality Building in Gugulethu.

Time: 11h00
Date: Monday, 14th July, 2008
Location: Fezeka Municipality Building, Gugulethu

For more information, please contact Anti-Eviction coordinator Mncedisi Twalo at 078-580-8646.
For more, please visit the website of the Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign at: