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27 November 2008

Memorandum of Grievances to the KZN Premier from the People of Macambini


After the circumstances following the announcement of uThukela/Macambini/Amazulu World project by KZN Premier Sibusiso Ndebele at his state of the province address without consulting the Macambini community/authorities, the Macambini Community therefore feels aggrieved and has decided to march against the Premier today for these following reasons:

1. The Premier has shown arrogance when he announced the uThukela/Macambini/Amazulu World project without proper consultation of community.

• When he signed the M.O.U. with Ruwaad on 5/05/2008 with out Macambini Community or their representative thereof.
• By unveiling the Ruwaad Project to international community in Dubai on 7/10/2008 contrary to the position taken by the Community, thus putting pressure on community.
• Having noted the above points, we can safely say that the Premier is trying to steal the land belonging to the people of Macambini and sell it to the Dubai people for his own benefit.

2. Answers to the demands sent with the Director General (Kwazi Mbanjwa) to the Premier are still outstanding.

3. When community responded negative to the proposed Ruwaad project; the premier went to the media and threatened to move the community by force if they do no agree with the project which will disposes them of their land, and this was later confirmed by his Director General (Kwazi Mbanjwa) at the meeting he held with the community at MTA when he said that the land will be expropriated from the community if they don’t agree with the proposed Ruwaad project.

4. The community then requested the premier to come personally and address them about this proposed project and he failed to come, but he appears often in the media talking this project, proposed to be on the Macambini Land, this therefore sends a clear message that the premier undermines the people of Macambini and our Authorities.

5. The Macambini Community now lives in fear of being moved by force from their ancestral land by their own elected government headed by the Premier in favour of the Ruwaad Dubai project.

6. The Premier is suing Inkosi K.W. Mathaba of Macambini Community for R5 million, these are clear desperate bullying tactics and dictatorship style used by the Premier to try and force the community to agree with this Dubai project.

7. The Premier is still continuing with the implementation discussions of the Ruwaad project while he knows that the community has made it clear that they do not approve this project which will disposes them of their ancestral land.

The Macambini community through this march demands the following from the Premier of KZN:

1. The Premier of KZN together with Ruwaad must issue a joint press statement announcing the withdrawal of the whole Ruwaad project proposed on Macambini land so that the people may have peaceful Christmas without fear of being forcibly removed from their land.

2. The Premier must withdraw with immediate effect the R5 million law suit he has taken against the Inkosi K.W. Mathaba of Macambini and SABC.

3. The Premier must apologise to Macambini community for not consulting them when dealing with matters which affects this community.

Failing which, if our demands are not met before /03/12/2008 there will be:

1. Rolling mass action of all Macambini communities and its Stakeholders.
2. A total closure of the N2 to Durban/Richard’s Bay.
3. A total closure of the R102 to Durban/Richard’s Bay.