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3 March 2009

AEC: The City (with the support of the Province) is moving forward with the eviction of the Symphony Way Community

Delft Anti-Eviction Campaign Press Release
Monday 2 March, 2009

The City (with the support of the Province) is moving forward with the eviction of the Symphony Way Community

Today, on the 2nd day of March 2009, we, the Delft-Symphony Pavement Dwellers, received a notice from the Sheriff of the Court to appear in the Cape High Court on the 20th of March 2009 at 10h00. After over a year living on the road, the City of Cape Town and the Provincial Government are finally applying for our eviction.

The Sheriff delivered the letter and various legal documents with the support of over 20 Metro Police, SAPS and Law Enforcement vehicles and there was a total of over 100 police present with bulletproof vests, guns and various other dangerous items. According to resident Mina Mahema, “one of our children got such a fright, she even asked if they [the police] come to kill us”. It is clear that while the letters could have peacefully been delivered by one or two City officials, the City (as usual) wanted to intimidate residents through a show of force.

In protest, residents peacefully sang various struggle songs. While some police openly mocked us and told us to keep quiet, others sang along with us and even gave us words of encouragement saying we should not move and that we are doing the right thing.

By seeking a court order, the City of Cape Town is attempting to move us from Symphony Way into the Blikkiesdorp (Tin Can Town) Temporary Relocation Area (TRA) – a government built slum. Blikkiesdorp’s own residents hate the place because of the tiny government built shacks, the lack of proper facilities, and the huge crime rate. We hate the place because the TRA’s are intended to hide us in dangerous ghettos that resemble refugee camps rather than vibrant communities.

Asiyi eTRAs! As the residents of Symphony Way, we refused to be removed to Blikkies!

We maintain that this is not reasonable alternative accommodation and that we cannot and will not be moved anywhere that will disadvantage ourselves and our children.

We maintain that we are human beings, not cattle to be herded into barbed wire enclosures.

We maintain that we will continue with our No Land! No House! No Vote Campaign! The City (DA) and the Province (ANC) are both supporting our eviction and move into TRAs. We will not vote for either.

For comment, please contact Aunty Jane at 078 403 1402, Mncedisi at 079 305 1066, and Kareemah at 078 492 0943