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7 October 2009

Statement by Bishop Barry Wood, Auxiliary Bishop of Durban and Episcopal Chairperson of the Justice and Peace Department of the

Statement by Bishop Barry Wood, Auxiliary Bishop of Durban and Episcopal Chairperson of the Justice and Peace Department of the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference.

I would like to add my voice and that of the Justice and Peace Department of the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference to Bishop Rubin Phillip’s Statement on the Kennedy Road violence.

The Kennedy Road killings and violence are of great concern.

Reports of Militia being allowed to operate with impunity and a perceived partisan role by the South African Police Service in the area require immediate investigation.

The possibility of ethnic intolerance being fanned in the area reminds us of the Xenophobia crisis of 2008. This cannot be allowed to continue unchallenged.

I therefore call upon government leaders, as well as the national and local police commissioners to take urgent steps to ensure that the South African Police Service acts to protect the citizens at all times, and not to be seen to be fuelling conflict.

I wish to offer my assistance and that of the Justice and Peace Department to the local community in finding ways to rebuild trust in the community.

Finally, I wish to express my concern about the terrible living conditions at Kennedy Road. Bad conditions breed conflict because they destroy our human dignity. I call on those responsible to address the human settlement problems at Kennedy Road.

Bishop Barry Wood, OMI

Auxiliary Bishop of Durban

Episcopal Chairperson: Department of Justice and Peace

Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference.