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8 October 2010

Hangberg rally and march

[fsg_gallery id=”166″]Pictures by Davison Mudzingwa.

Click here to see more photographs at The New Worker.

Mandela Park Backyarders along with the Poor People’s Alliance and some other social movements joined the march organised by residents of Hangberg in Hout Bay on Sunday. Well over 1,000 people marched over 6km to Hout Bay Police Station.

It was very important for all of us to make our voices heard about the unacceptable police violence as well as the way the government manipulates the development process in our communities.

However, we were very disappoint to see how, during the march, COSATU allowed itself and the SACP and ANC to take over the march. While all of them got to speak at the rally, Hangberg residents were not allowed to speak at all with the exception of a one minute slot for a community leader. Hangberg residents were very angry about this.

We are upset that the ANC alliance is using the resident’s struggle to score political points for next year s elections. We have resolved to meet with Hangberg residents in order to see what they would like to do about this issue.