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19 January 2011

ABM WC Will Attend the Conference for a Democratic Left


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ABM WC Will Attend the Conference for a Democratic Left

As Abahlali baseMjondolo of the Western Cape we have decided to support the call for a Conference for a Democratic Left (CDL). We note that the CDL has issued statements in support of our movement when we have been under attack from reactionary forces and that the CDL has declared that it aims to build a democratic alliance of progressive forces that is committed to a bottom up transformation of society.

It is obvious that the various forces that wish to build a society centered on human dignity rather than private profit should work together as closely as is possible. However if any attempt to build this unity is to succeed it must be aware of certain pitfalls.

Previous attempts to unite the social movements failed because they were not democratic and because they were dominated by authoritarian NGOs rather than the social movements themselves. This needs to be avoided in the future and left NGOs need to understand that their role is to support and not to dominate grassroots organisations. Left NGOs need to understand that we are poor and not stupid.

There is also a serious problem of sectarianism in the South African left. Some individuals are willing to go so far as to actively support the state against popular movements that refuse their authority. This is disgraceful and can only do damage to our struggles. No one should think that they control an organisation or a place for life.

Most of our members have decided to become activists because they are sick and tired of being ladders for politicians. They trust our movement because we ask people to believe in themselves and not someone with personal ambitions. Most of our members will not trust the CDL if it decides to become a political party.

We will attend the Conference for a Democratic Left with an open mind and a willingness to work with anyone who is committed to the emancipation of the oppressed. We will continue to support this project for as long as:

1. It remains genuinely democratic.
2. It respects the autonomy of the movements that participate in its discussions.
3. It does not try to impose NGO control over grassroots movements.
4. It clearly and firmly rejects sectarianism.
5. It does not become a political party.
6. It remains committed to a bottom up transformation of society.
7. It orientates itself to the mass struggles that are already being waged by ordinary people in communities and work places.

We note that ABM in KwaZulu-Natal has decided not to attend the conference and that they are waiting to see how the CDL relates to grassroots formations in practice before taking any decisions. We respect their decision and they respect our decision. We note also that the Poor People’s Alliance’s has not taken any general position on the CDL. Our primary commitment remains to the Poor People’s Alliance.

For more, please visit the website of the Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign at: and follow us on

Visit Abahlali baseMjondolo at and

The Poor People’s Alliance: Abahlali baseMjondolo, together with with Landless People’s Movement (Gauteng), the Rural Network (KwaZulu-Natal) and the Western Cape Anti-Eviction Campaign, is part of the Poor People’s Alliance – a unfunded national network of democratic membership based poor people’s movements.