Help this Poor Woman

A humble request for help to a needy family

To our Beloved South Africa and the world,

I am making this humble request to help the needy family in Block R informal settlement- Soshanguve, Pretoria. Ms. Anna Monyamani Kubayi is a middle aged single parent with seven mouths to feed every day. Of the seven, five are her biological children while two are her grand children born of her first-born daughter who died in 2007.

When her daughter died, she left behind two children: Mathew, who was only ten years and Macia who was four years then. Ms Kubayi was forced to adopt her orphaned grand children and brought then into her house, putting extra burden in the already impoverished household. What put salt to the wound is that Ms Kubayi is unemployed. She lives in a dilapidated tin-house with all these children. Her shack is one of many that the City of Tshwane threatened to demolish late last year. The City only suspended the unlawful evictions when Abahlali baseMjondolo’s sister organisation, The Soshanguve Concerned Residents Group took the Municipality to Court, forcing the latter to make an undertaking not to evict the affected community from their homes and allowing round-table negotiations regarding the future of the squatter-camp and its residents to take place.

The shack that Ms Kubayi lives in with her children and grand children is leaking and when it rains, it turns into a swimming pool. The biggest problem that Ms Kubayi is facing, which prompted the Concerned residents Committee to write this letter of request is that one of the orphans living with Ms Kubayi is paraplegic since birth. This child, known as Mathew is also having neurological disorders. The child is bed ridden and cannot walk. During 2010, Mathew’s grandmother, (Ms Kubayi) enrolled him at a school for the disabled children in Hamanskraal but forced to withdraw him during the middle of the year due to the “pressure sores” that developed on the child’s buttocks. Since then, the 13 years old paraplegic spends most of his time in bed. Before the child’s mother passed away, Ms Kubayi used to work for herself at Mabopane Train station, selling vegetables to the commuters but since Mathew came to live with her, she was forced to stay at home in order to nurse him full time. Ms Kubayi informed us that as Mathew cannot walk by himself, she is forced to carry him around, however; it is difficult to carry him because he is heavy and as a result, sometimes she would carry him in an old wheelbarrow if she need to take him elsewhere. She also uses to dress him with the adults’ disposable nappies so that if he wants to answer the call of nature while she is not nearby, he can do so without soiling his clothes. We asked Ms Kubayi what kind of help would she like and she responded that the first thing she would appreciate is a wheel chair that is propelled by a battery for her grand-son. Such a device would help Mathew to move himself even if she is not around. She also mentioned that it will assist him especially while at School. The second thing that Ms Kubayi wishes to have is an RDP house for her family.

We also asked Mathew what he wishes us to do and his response was that he want us to help the family with something to eat and with the wheel chair so that he can go to School. I was mandated by The Concerned Residents Committee to write this letter to plead for help from anyone who is able to donate. We are asking for individuals and organisations that have means to come to the aid of this family. We are asking for a donation of a wheel chair that is ergonomically designed to help Mathew move around. Secondly, if possible, please help Ms Kubayi get a House as well. Any other help that would improve the quality of life for this household is also welcome.

I am attaching a picture of the Kubayi family for you to see.
Remember the saying that: BLESSED IS THE HAND THAT GIVES………

Written By Selata wa’Nkwane (obo: Soshanguve Concerned Residents Committee)
For more information, please contact Selata wa’Nkwane at:
Mobile: +27 79 598 1726(Selata) or 076 681 6430(Katlego); email:; skype: nkwanesa3