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9 August 2011

AbM Women’s League 2011 AGM

8 August 2011
Abahlali baseMjondolo Woman’s League

Making the women’s voice heard and ensuring that full gender equality remains a priority for social movements and other demanding deep change and transformation


Four Hundred Women Attended the AbM Women's League AGM, eMmaus, Pinetown, 9 August 2011


The Abahlali baseMjondolo Woman’s League of S.A was formed in 2008 at a meeting in the Kennedy Road settlement. It was formed to strengthen the fight against poverty, evictions and all forms of abuse. The Abahlali Women’s League has struggled against gender inequality as we believe that we are all equal in front of the eyes of God and that we should all be treated equally.

In many areas our organisation is led by women. In all areas women are central to our struggle. No struggle will ever succeed without the strength of women at its centre. It is because of the strength of women that our struggle has survived repression at the hands of the police, the ANC and those academics/NGOs that want to talk for the people and to decide for the people instead of struggling with the people. It is because of the strength of women that we have won many victories.

But we have a long road to travel. Everywhere the poor are under attack. Our children are being shot at when the municipality comes to disconnect us from electricity. In Clare Estate and Reservoir Hills some of the organisations of the rich are demanding our eviction. They are even refusing to pay their rates if we are not evicted. They are saying that our presence reduces the value of their houses. In Motala Heights Ricky Govender is still trying to evict the poor. In eMmaus the Property Owner's Association is continuing with its attempts at eviction. Every year we have to struggle to get our children into schools. Once they are in the schools we have to struggle to make sure that they are treated fairly.

We will not be safe if our struggle is not strong. We will not have a good future for our children if our struggle is not strong. We will not be able to resist transit camps and move from shacks to decent houses if our struggle is not strong.

On the Woman’s Day, as the Abahlali Woman’s League, we will be having a Woman’s Day event which will make the woman’s voice heard and ensure that real gender equality remains a priority for social movements and others demanding deep change and transformation. We will be also be having an AGM to elect the new leadership of the AbM Woman’s League.

The event will be at eMmaus Community Hall in Westmead, Pinetown, on the 09/08/2011 at 09:00 am.

For more information please contact:

Zandile Nsibande: 074 767 5706
Busisiwe Mdlalose: 073 501 4200
Sindy Mkhize: 073 730 9648