East Coast Radio: Residents sceptical of housing promise


Residents sceptical of housing promise

Rebuilding has started at the Kennedy Road informal settlement after a massive fire destroyed nearly 200 homes earlier this week.

Hundreds of people are still homeless, sheltering with friends or in a community hall – as they salvage what they can from the ruins.

Authorities believe the blaze was sparked by an unattended stove. Officials say they have set aside R1.7-million to buy building material for residents to reconstruct their homes.

They are also planning to meet with the community to discuss plans for proper housing.

However Bandile Mdlalose, from shack dweller group Abahlali baseMjondolo, says they are sceptical about whether officials will finally follow through on their promise.

“The municipality is always giving us different statements. ‘We’re going to build houses’. Until today, houses are not built. If they could only implement their word,” she said.

Meanwhile Durban resident Linda Rethman, who has taken some food and clothes to the settlement, says it’s clear that more is needed.

“We took down sandwiches and we took down clothing – which was hugely well received. But the disturbing part was when we went down this morning, there had been no donations dropped off at all this morning. So the food we took was in fact the only food available,” she said.

If you would like to donate building materials, clothes or food you can contact Abahlali baseMjondolo at 031 304 6420 to organise a drop-off point.