Category Archives: 16 June

Celebrating the Beauty of Our Youth

15 June 2014

Abahlali baseMjondolo Youth League Press Statement


Celebrating the Beauty of our Youth

HECTOR PETERSON was murdered by the apartheid police on 16 June 1976. He was 13. NQOBILE NZUZA was murdered by the ANC’s police on 30 September 2013. She was 17.

We’ve spent many years in pain and frustration about what happened to HECTOR. We will have to spend many years in pain and frustration about what happened to NQOBILE. We all know that more of us will die in this struggle.

Our youth are serving their life sentences in the shacks or the transit camps. Most of us cannot find work, we cannot study and when we are older we will not be able to get married. We are treated like the rubbish of this society when we should be treated as its promise for the future.

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uMlazi Update

Friday, 11 October 2013

Abahlali baseMjoindolo Press Statement

uMlazi Update

Our movement is growing in uMlazi. We are very strong in the eMhlabeni land occupation and the Silva City transit camp. On Friday last week three comrades were arrested on an uMlazi road blockade organised to demand (1) the release of Bandile Mdlalose and (2) that the City stops its repression and start negotiations with us on our demands given to them at the march on 16 September 2013. We are demanding democracy, not just voting but real democracy, everyday democracy, and an end to repression.

These three comrades were kept in the holding cells till Monday. On Monday morning some comrades went to the Durban Magistrates’ Court and others went to the court in uMlazi to support comrades in detention. Before the court was in session our members were singing outside as is their right. The police came, threatened them, and said that if they were not be quiet they would know who to start with when the shooting started. They said that they would shoot two people. After this the people stopped singing. We have signed statements on the threat from the police to shoot two people.

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Cape Argus: In Macassar, June 16 is no cause to celebrate

The city can not provide proof of its plans to build on the site. Moreover the City’s interdict (which prevents further occupation and the erection of new structures) most certainly did not give legal sanction to the demolitions which were illegal (and in fact criminal) as well as in contempt of court.

In Macassar, June 16 is no cause to celebrate
Evictees rally to ‘decelebrate’ Youth Day

June 17, 2009 Edition 1

Fouzia van der Fort

YOUTH Day was no cause for celebration for the people evicted from Macassar Village land earmarked for formal housing, and their fellow shack dwellers turned out to support them in their protest to “de-celebrate” June 16.

Representatives from different informal settlements across the Peninsula, along with members of the shack dwellers group Abahlali baseMjondolo, toyi-toyied in protest at the site yesterday.

“We want to pledge our solidarity to expose the appalling conditions our comrades are living in,” said Mzonke Poni, chairman of the group.

He said the 1976 struggle was fought by ordinary people, and it was the ordinary people who should be mobilising now to “take back our history of struggle from the politicians”.

“We want to empower the occupants of Macassar.

“They are not alone. There are people supporting them,” Poni declared.

About 50 residents have been sleeping either in makeshift shacks or without any shelter at all since they were evicted from the land, which is currently the subject of an environmental impact study.

The city has plans to build 2 500 houses there.

Poni claimed the residents were fighting “for a small thing – a piece of land – so that they may be recognised as people to whom the government will provide a minimal level of service of water, roads and electricity”.

Following previous clashes with police in the area, Poni was expected to appear in the Somerset West Magistrate’s Court on a charge of public violence today.

For the past month the group has been living on the side of the road, alongside the open land.

Yesterday, their mattresses and other belonging were lying covered in black plastic beside an open fire which they used for cooking and warmth.

The homes they built on the land were demolished by law-enforcement officials from the City of Cape Town, in accordance with a court order preventing occupation of the land.

For Theliwe Macekiswana, 33, who has 10-month-old baby Iphendule, the fight for freedom is meaningless when she has nowhere to live.

Unemployed since March, she said she had nothing to celebrate.

The municipality had evicted her, taking her materials “instead of protecting us on this land”.

“They took my whole hokkie,” she said.

Joseph Jantjies, 52, who has been living in a Macassar backyard for 20 years since his arrival here from the Eastern Cape, said they had resorted to protests to force the government to take notice of them.

“These people have nothing to celebrate.

“They can’t be satisfied with living like this,” he said.

Several Metro Police officers stood monitoring the protest throughout the morning yesterday.

June 16th Commemoration to be Held at the Macassar Village Occupation

Click here to read the report on this event in the Cape Argus.

Abahlali baseMjondolo of the Western Cape Press Statement
15 June 2009

June 16th Commemoration to be Held at the Macassar Village Occupation

Every year since 2005 Abahlali baseMjondolo has de-celebrated Freedom Day by holding UnFreedom Day in Durban. Now that tradition will continue in Cape Town and Johannesburg as the Poor People's Alliance organises to begin the process of taking back our history of struggle from the politicians. This history belongs to the people and tomorrow the Poor People's Alliance will be retracing the route of the 1976 June 16th protest in Soweto, Johannesburg. Here in Cape Town we have been focussing on mobilising other communities to support the Macassar Village Occupation. During these meetings we have discussed what would should do to take forward the programme of the Poor People's Alliance on June 16th.

We have decided to hold our event on the site of the Macassar Village Occupation and with the brave comrades who continue to hold the land there. We will discuss the meaning of June 16th for us today and how to take that spirit of resistance forward today. We will also discuss how we can support Mzonke Poni when he appears in court again on a trumped up charge on 17 June 2009 while the government officials who break the law by demolishing shacks illegally, even against court interdicts, and assaulting and intimidating people remain free.

For more information on the Macassar Village Occupation visit these links:


For further information on tomorrow's June 16th event at the Macassar Village Occupation please contact:

Theliwe Macikiswana:083 248 1658