Category Archives: Inkosi Thulani Mjanyelwa

Inkosi Thulani Mjanyelwa finally laid to rest

20 September 2018
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

Inkosi Thulani Mjanyelwa finally laid to rest

Inkosi Thulani Mjanyelwa, the chief in Mpondoland who was brutally killed by a mob of people on 26 August, was finally laid to rest in Bizana on the 15 September. It was a long struggle to be able to bury him at his own homestead.

There is bitter division in the area between those, many linked to the ANC, who support the international mining companies, and those who want the land to be held and managed by the people. Inkosi Mjanyelwa was clearly against those who want to give the land to the mining companies. He was committed to opposing the occupation of Mpondoland by an alliance between the ANC and the mining companies.  Continue reading