Category Archives: The Right to Know

Comrades from the Right to Know Campaign at the AbMYL Youth Day Event, Motala Heights, 16 June 2011

Youth Day 2011

The annual Abahlali baseMjondolo Youth League event for Youth Day was held in the Motala Heights settlement in 2011. Around a thousand young people came to the event, from settlements as far away as Howick, the South Coast and eNdwedwe in Zululand. There were also representatives from the Right2Know Campaign, the September National Imbizo, the Wentworth Development Forum, the South Durban Community & Environmental Alliance and Students for Law and Social Justice at UKZN.

There were political speeches, a presentation on domestic violence, a presentation on evictions and the law, a play written and performed by young comrades from KwaMashu, a performance by the Mfene Group and the Dlamini King Brothers also performed.

Where is the Freedom Charter?

Where is the Freedom Charter?
Lindela S. Figlan

Before the government can use its muscle to pass the Protection of Information Bill, let me ask a question. It is a very good question and all those who are unhappy have got this question in their mind. Where is the Freedom Charter?


Comrades from the Right to Know Campaign at the AbM YL event, 16 June 2011, Motala Heights

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Nyanzelisa i… Right 2 Know

Nyanzelisa i… Right 2 Know

Nqanda umthetho we mfihlelo!!!

Iinzuzo zomzabalazo wenkululeko zibekwe emngciphekweni yi-Protection Of Information Bill – POIB exoxwa nguRhulumente sithetha nje. Le-Bill ifana nqwa nale mithetho yengcinezelo. Le-Bill icinezela abanolwazi ngolwaphulo mthetho nokufumaneka lula nama xwebhu emfihlelo.

Naliphi isebe lika-Rhulumente, lingakwazi ukthi amaxwebhu ka rhulumente ayimfihlelo, lonto isenze ilizwe elinee mfihlelo ezininzi. Amagosa ka-Rhulumente, akhomfuneko bacacise xa efuna ukufihle izinto. Akuyakubakho nto okanye ikomiti eqinisekisa ukuba, ukukho zinto ezifihlwa eluntwini, ekumele ukuba luyayazi.

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Right 2 Know March — 27 October 2010

Pictures by Anna Selmeczi

Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement


Abahlali baseMjondolo will support the Right to Know march in defence of media freedom in Durban tomorrow.

Mostly we have said that our struggle is for land and housing. But sometimes we also say that it is for land and dignity or that it is for land and freedom. Slogans are short and the world is big and time is long. We need all of these things. We need land, housing, dignity and freedom. These things cannot be separated. And dignity and freedom require more than just land and housing. We need electricity, we need libraries, we need good education, we need proper toilets, good and safe transport, crèches, decent work, health care and more.

As a movement we feel like the world is closing around us. There are many threats to our freedom. Poverty and abandonment are a threat to our freedom. What freedom does a person have when they are also busy trying to rebuild their shack after each fire, to rebuild their life after the burying of each innocent child?

Freedom is not only lost in the pain, uncertainty, danger and exhaustion of poverty. It is also taken away deliberately.

Freedom includes the right of every person to participate in all discussions without fear. It includes the right of every person to organise as they wish to organise.

Every time a political party, a ward councillor, a ward committee or a BEC threatens violence to stop open discussions or independent organisation freedom is under attack. Every time that people are driven from their homes because they do not obey a political party freedom is under attack. Every time that people have to show a party card and party loyalty to access what little development is given freedom is under attack. Every time that the police attack a peaceful march and then call it violent freedom is under attack. Every time that our struggles and movements are unfairly shown as if they are short minded, violent and criminal freedom is under attack.

The deliberate attack on freedom in our country started as an attack on the freedom of the poor. We felt it first. Now the attack is spreading to the rest of society.

As a movement we wish to express our full support for the Right to Know march which will take place in Durban tomorrow. We will be proud to march with our good and trusted comrades in organisations like the South Durban Community and Environmental Alliances.

Over the past years the media have been very helpful in telling the truth and revealing the unrevealed. Lots of people have been relying on the media to get help. For those who have been helped by the media for all this time it really does feel like the world is closing even faster now. Most of these people have tried to get help from the politicians and the politicians have failed them.

As an organisation of the poor, by the poor and for the poor we feel oppressed by this situation. We, as Abahlali baseMjondolo, will not relax and do nothing while people feel this kind of unnecessary pressure. Our biggest concern is why must there be things that must be kept secret? We are especially concerned about this because we have always said that there is huge corruption in housing. We have also marched several times sending memorandums to the State President Mr Jacob Zuma, to the Premier and to the Mayor but no response have been given till today. If there are things that must not be told while the poor have raised issues like this the question is what is being hidden from The People if politicians have vowed to work for The People? Who, really, do the politicians think that they are if they are demanding to be protected from The People all the time?

There must be no secrecy. Everything must be told and carefully discussed including the good and the bad. If politicians are not doing good in serving the interest of the people and taking forward the will of the people then they need to be exposed. If politicians are doing good in serving the interest of people and taking forward the will of the people then they should be praised. Why must people expect to be credited and praised while they do not deserve it?

If the media is to be oppressed it is the poor, particularly the shack dwellers, the farm workers and the unemployed who will suffer the most consequences. Because we are the most oppressed in this society we have the most to lose from any attack on freedom. Freedom is our space to know, to organise, to debate and to struggle. Freedom is the space of our safety. Freedom is the space of our hope.

The media deserve the right to write what is true and we as Abahlali baseMjondolo will support them all through and through. There have been many times when the truth of our lives and our struggle has been shown in the media. Many journalists are hard working, honest and brave. There have been times when we have been unfairly attacked in the media. Mistakes have been made, lies have been told. But the solution is not to reduce media freedom. The solution is to protect what media freedom we already have and then to deepen it so that everyone can access the media.

We published a newspaper once. It was called Izwe Labampofu, the voice of the poor. We should have the support to publish Izwe Labampofu every month. All community organisations and movements should get this same support. But right now the only media that we have is under attack and we will defend it in the streets and in the courts and anywhere else where we have to go to defend the space of our hope for a world in which the dignity of everyone is recognised and respected.


There must be no oppression to the media.

A Luta Continua

For more information please don’t hesitate to call the ff:

Ms Bandile Mdlalose
Abahlali baseMjondolo Movement S.A Secretary General
031 304 6420
074 730 8120

Mr Mnikelo Ndabankulu
Abahlali baseMjondolo Movement S.A Public Liaison Officer
079 745 0653

Ms Zodwa Nsibande
Abahlali baseMjondolo Movement S.A Youth Secretary General
082 830 2707

Isolezwe: Abantu bafuna abezindaba babike ngenkululeko

Abantu bafuna abezindaba babike ngenkululeko

October 28, 2010 Edition 1


BASABISE ngokubuyela emgwaqeni bamashe zonke izinsuku uma izikhalo zabo zingezwakali abagqugquzeli |be-Right2Know, okuwumkhankaso okuhloswe ngawo ukuphikisa umthethosivivinywa wokufihlwa kolwazi.

Laba bantu abalinganiselwa emakhulwini amathathu bebegcwele izitaladi zeTheku izolo bebhikisha njengengxenye yalo mkhankaso osabalele ezweni lonke.

Omunye wabagqugquzeli balo mkhankaso, uMnuz Desmond D’sa, uthe imashi ihehe abantu abasemazingeni ahlukene empilo kwazise ukuthi kuzobathinta bonke abantu ukuphasiswa kwalo mthetho.

“Ukuphasiswa kwalo mthetho kuzobe kusho ukuthi asisophinde sizwe imibono yabantu abahlukene ngoba besaba ukuboshwa,” kusho uD’sa.

Uthe lokhu okuhlongozwayo akuhlukile kulokho okwakwenziwa nguhulumeni wobandlululo.

“Kumanje bakhona asebeqalile ukusebenza phezu kwalo mthetho nokuzoba lula kakhulu uma uphasa umthetho emakhanseleni njengoba esezofihla ukuthi izimali zisetshenziswe kanjani kube kunomthetho owavunayo,” kusachaza uD’sa.

Phakathi kwezinhlangano ebezizimazise le mashi kubalwa Abahlali Basemjondolo, abantu basemahostela, izakhamuzi zasemalokishini amakhulu akhele iTheku, osolwazi nabafundi bophiko lwezobuciko baseNyuvesi yaKwaZulu-Natal nabafundi benyuvesi yaseDenmark.

UNksz Zodwa Nsibande, ongumkhulumeli waBahlali Basemjondolo, uthe nabo babone ubathinta lo mthetho ngoba okusuke kubhalwe emaphepheni kusuke kuzosizakalisa bona njengomphakathi ekwazini ukuthi kwenzekani ezweni labo.

“Kubalulekile ukuthi sazi ngakho konke okuqhubekayo lapho sihlala khona kodwa uma sekuhlongozwa imithetho enje kuyobe sekuthuthukiswa isizwe esidwanguza ebumnyameni ngenxa yokufihlelwa ulwazi,” kusho uNksz Nsibande ohlala emjondolo yaku-Kennedy Road.

Le mashi eqale eBotha’s Park yaphelela eCity Hall ayibanga nazigigaba ezibikiwe kwazise ukuthi bekukhona nezingcithabuchopho kulaba abebemasha.

Uhlu lwezikhalazo lwamukelwe nguMnuz Bheki Nkwanyana, obevela ehhovisi likaNdunankulu waKwaZulu-Natal nothembise ukuludlulisela kuDkt Zweli Mkhize, uMengameli Jacob Zuma noNgqongqoshe wezobuNhloli kuleli, uDkt Siyabonga Cwele.