Unpopular councillors on ANC list


Unpopular councillors on ANC list
January 13, 2006

By Carvin Goldstone

Despite being subjected to a barrage of housing protests and mock funerals,
two of last year’s most criticised councillors will be back to stand as ward
candidates in the March local government elections. Both Ward 23 (Clare
Estate and Reservoir Hills) councillor Jayraj Bachu and Ward 25 (Sydenham)
councillor Yacoob Baig, who had been criticised by their communities and
told to resign, feature on the ANC list.

S’bu Zikode, Chairman of Abahlali Base Mjondolo, which represents 14
informal settlements in Durban, said the fact that the councillors were on
the list was an indication the ANC was not listening to the people. Zikode
said more than 5 000 people had marched on Baig calling for his resignation,
yet he was about to stand for election. They had accused the ANC of
“protecting incompetent officials”. Baig was also accused of putting his
business interests before those of people living in appalling health
conditions in informal settlements.

Baig said his priority would be to improve the lives of the communities if
he was elected. He said Wards 23 and 25 would work closely to roll out
housing projects.

“One of the burning issues is the number of people without identity numbers
and I want to establish a task team to get all the people without identity
documents to apply,” he said. Bachu said he would not do anything
differently for the disgruntled shack dwellers living in his ward if he was
voted in for a third term as he had already done more than any other

“I have done everything humanly possible for these people . . . I have
provided people with jobs, water and houses.

“I have moved 70% of people living in shacks in my ward to Parkgate and
Welbedacht (low- cost housing developments), but there is a group of people
who do not want to move,” he said. He said his primary focus would be to
restore the Clare Estate and Reservoir Hills areas to their former glory.