Author Archives: Abahlali

The People’s Minimum Demands and Abahlali’s position on Election 2024

This statement was included in S’bu Zikode’s speech given today at UnFreedom Day 2024.

 21 April 2024

 The People’s Minimum Demands and Abahlali’s position on Election 2024

 Abahlali baseMjondolo Special Announcement on the May 29, 2024 General Election made at the Unfreedom Day Rally

In the 19 years since our movement was founded we have struggled to liberate ourselves from the chains of poverty, indignity and repression. We have organised in our communities, built new communities on occupied land and taken our struggle into the streets, the media, negotiations and the courts. We have built strong relations with radical movements and intellectuals around the world. While our politics has always been grounded in building popular democratic power from below, and working towards building a national movement of communes and a global movement of movements, we have, since 2006, made various kinds of tactical interventions in elections while remaining autonomous from all political parties. Continue reading

Iminyaka engamashumi amathathu yosizi nenhlupheko kwabampofu

21 April 2024

Iminyaka engamashumi amathathu yosizi nenhlupheko kwabampofu

Inkulumo ka Mongameli waBahlali baseMjondolo, Sbu. Zikode ngosuku loku Ngakhululeki (Unfreedom Day)

Mphathi wohlelo, baholi baba hlali baseMjondolo ngokuhlukana kwenu, baholi bemibutho yonke yemiphakathi, basebenzi, baholi bezombusazwe, partners, manene namanenekazi, MaGoza Amahle.

Umbutho wabahlali baseMjondolo wasungulwa eminyakeni eyishumi nesishiyagalolunye eyadlula. Usungulelwa ukulwela , ukuvikela nokuthuthukisa isithunzi sabantu abahlala emijondolo.  Continue reading

We Will Mark UnFreedom Day in Durban on 21 April

19 April 2024
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

We Will Mark UnFreedom Day in Durban on 21 April

 There is no freedom for the poor in South Africa. Thirty years after Nelson Mandela became president and we were told that freedom had come the poor and marginalised in shack settlements, hostels, white farms and former Bantustans have nothing to celebrate.

The rich have become richer and the poor have become poorer. Far more people live in shacks than in 1994. We remain landless and without work. Millions are without even the most basic services, such as water, sanitation and refuse removal. Millions are hungry. We continue to live in terrible violence. We continue to be violently repressed by the politicians, the police and private security companies. For thirty years our humanity has been vandalized in the name of freedom. The lives and dignity of the poor mean nothing in the eyes of the ANC. Continue reading

Private Security Firm Attacks the Sihlalangenkani Occupation in Umhlali

17 April 2024
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

Private Security Firm Attacks the Sihlalangenkani Occupation in Umhlali

On 7 April the notorious private security firm IPSS, with support from the SAPS, launched an attack on the Sihlalangenkani Occupation in Umhlali, on the North Coast. The occupation is affiliated to our movement. The attack was unlawful and violent.

People’s doors were kicked in and people were assaulted, insulted, and threatened by men wielding automatic weapons. Many people were kicked, including women. The police fired rubber bullets at the residents. Money was also stolen. People who tried to film the attack were threatened. The police boasted that they have been instructed by police minister Bheki Cele to shoot and kill. The residents were dehumanised and the whole community criminalised. Continue reading

Election 2024: The People’s Minimum Demands

7 April 2024
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

 Election 2024: The People’s Minimum Demands

Beginning at the General Assembly held in Durban on the first Sunday in February Abahlali baseMjondolo has held an extensive process of meetings and discussions at all levels of our movement, and in all our 87 branches in good standing across the four provinces where we have members, to develop a collective strategy for the election to be held on 29 May 2024. The Youth League and Women’s League also held their own discussions. The discussions in our monthly General Assemblies have all been open to the public and have been attended by representatives from a number of other organisations. We also held a successful voter registration drive with the aim of mobilising all of our more than 120 000 members in good standing to participate in the election, and to encourage others to do the same.  Continue reading