Mob Destroys Home in Tembisa

Tuesday, 28 May 2019
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

Mob Destroys Home in Tembisa

Reblocking in Vusimuzi in Tembisa south has been imposed on many people in an undemocratic, top down, illegal and threatening way. It has caused serious divisions in the community, and significant losses and suffering to those whose homes have been destroyed or damaged. However, despite sustained resistance over many months the local councillor, Hendrik Selwana, is determined to push ahead with the reblocking. People have been told that those who accept reblocking will get electricity and this has been used to divide people.  Continue reading

We Welcome the Arrest of the Gangster Mayor of Durban for Corruption and Money Laundering

Wednesday, 15 May 2019

Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

We Welcome the Arrest of the Gangster Mayor of Durban for Corruption and Money Laundering

We were not surprised by the arrest of Cllr Zandile Gumede, the mayor of eThekwini. The corruption in Durban had become so brazen, and supported with such brazen thuggery, that eventually the state had to act. The news broke yesterday morning when the mayor was due to appear in Durban Commercial Court. Like many gangster politicians when her arrest finally came it was hidden from the public and the media. It is reported that she and the other accused were able to hand themselves over to the police. It is also reported that she was able to use the back door to enter the court to escape media attention. A poor person arrested for insisting to be treated like a human being will never be treated with these courtesies. Continue reading

Statement on the 2019 election

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Abahlali baseMjondolo press briefing on the 2019 General Election

Today we held a press conference in Durban to announce our position on the election. This statement was given to the journalists present.

Last year our membership audit in KwaZulu-Natal exceeded 55 000 members in good standing. Our movement has continued to grow since then, in KwaZulu-Natal, and elsewhere in the country.

Since 2013 the ANC in KwaZulu Natal has regularly assassinated our leaders. As S’bu Zikode said in his Unfreedom Day speech voting for the ANC is like digging our own grave.  Continue reading

Press Conference: Abahlali to announce our position on elections

Monday, 6 May 2019
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

Press Conference: Abahlali to announce our position on elections

Last year our membership audit in KwaZulu-Natal exceeded 55 000 members in good standing. Our movement has continued to grow since then, in KwaZulu-Natal and elsewhere in the country.

Since 2013 the ANC has regularly assassinated our leaders. As S’bu Zikode said in his UnFreedom address this year to vote for the ANC is to vote for our own grave diggers.  Continue reading

Practical Support for Members Affected by the Floods

Saturday, 4 May 2019
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

Practical Support for Members Affected by the Floods

The recent floods in Durban hit the poor the hardest. Many people lost their homes, or had their homes and possessions badly damaged. Some people lost their lives.

To be poor in South Africa means that you must constantly live with fire, floods and armed and violent evictions and disconnections. You can never really relax. There is constant worry and stress. There is no holiday in the shacks. Continue reading

Abahlali to Join Workers’ Day Events

1 May 2019
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

Abahlali to Join Workers’ Day Events

Today is Workers’ Day, known around the world as May Day, a day to celebrate the struggles of workers.

Our movement is committed to building unity, in struggle, between the oppressed. We have always organised in solidarity with migrant organisations, street traders, flat dwellers and other groups representing impoverished and oppressed people. We are also committed to building unity, in struggle, between impoverished people, many of whom are not members of trade unions, and the unionised working class. If we can support each other in our struggles we’ll both be stronger and the working class as a whole, unionised and not unionised, working formally and informally, will be stronger. Continue reading

Thousands ‘mourn’ their lack of freedom in Durban

New Frame

On Sunday 28 April, the day after Freedom Day, shack dwellers’ movement Abahlali baseMjondolo held its UnFreedom Day rally on the Springfield campus of Thekwini TVET College in Durban to “mourn what was supposed to be freedom”.

“There’s no real freedom. There’s fake freedom,” Abahlali president S’busiso Zikode told the sea of red, made up of thousands of people who had come from rural areas, hostels and shack settlements in Gauteng, Mpumalanga, the Eastern Cape, the Western Cape and KwaZulu-Natal.  Continue reading

África do Sul: há 25 anos, eleição marcava fim do apartheid, mas não da desigualdade

Em contraposição ao “Dia da Liberdade” celebrado no país, movimentos promovem ato do “Dia da Não Liberdade”

Da Redação*

Brasil de Fato | São Paulo (SP)

29 de Abril de 2019 às 18:59

No aniversário da primeira eleição após o fim do apartheid, manifestantes denunciam que segregação ainda atinge comunidades negras pobres / Rajesh Jantilal

Vinte cinco anos atrás, as eleições gerais da África do Sul de 1994 marcavam o fim de mais de quatro décadas do regime do apartheid. Foi a primeira vez que todas as pessoas acima de 18 anos de todas as raças tiveram direito a voto, e Nelson Mandela foi eleito presidente. Desde então, o país celebra o “Dia da Liberdade” em 27 de abril.  Continue reading

Abahlali to mourn the fraud of ‘Freedom Day’

Friday, 26 April 2019
Abahlali baseMjondolo Pres Statement

Abahlali to mourn the fraud of ‘Freedom Day’

Many South Africans will be celebrating ‘Freedom Day’ on 27 April as we mark the anniversary of the first time that our country’s black people voted in a democratic election. We always acknowledge and salute all the people that struggled for us to win this victory, including, especially, all those ordinary people whose names will never be known to history. Many of our own members carry scars from the struggle against apartheid.  Continue reading

Abahlali to launch a branch in eKhenana

Sunday, 14 April 2019
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

Abahlali to launch a branch in eKhenana

Today we will be launching a new branch in our new occupation in eKhanana Cato Crest. We will also be celebrating our victory after the court ruled in our favour earlier this year. Prior to the victory in court the community of eKhanana had been facing brutal evictions from the eThekwini Municipality’s Land Invasion Unit.

The court instructed our legal team and the municipality to conduct an inspection at the occupation. This was done and houses of the people were numbered which ensures that the municipality will not evict Abahlali from the occupation.  Continue reading