Housing the homeless while enduring brutal oppression: the story of shack-dwellers movement in S. Africa

People’s Dispatch

In a recent interview given to the Tricontinental Institute, the movement’s founder, S’bu Zikode, explained the origin of the movement, its modus operandi and the enormous challenges its members and leadership are facing

In the face of police brutality, targeted assassinations, death threats and criminalization, the shack-dwellers movement of South Africa – known locally as Abahlali baseMjondolo – has been at the forefront of pursuing the unfinished task of correcting the ills of the apartheid state, at the core of which is the land-question.

Apartheid South Africa, as a matter of policy, had ensured that the land in the prosperous economic heartland of the country was under the control of Whites, while Blacks were increasingly evicted and crammed into poorly planned peripheries, without rights and without the most basic of services like sanitation, electricity, etc. Continue reading

Dossier 11: The Homemade Politics of Abahlali baseMjondolo, South Africa’s Shack Dweller Movement

The TriContinental

The shack-dwellers’ movement– Abahlali baseMjondolo, or AbM— is among the organizations of the world’s poor and dispossessed fighting for land reform and dignity. Despite waves of repression by the state, AbM membership now numbers over 50,000 in settlements across the country since their founding in 2006. In an interview with Tricontinental Institute, Zikode talks about the essence of AbM—what they are fighting for, who they are, what they have achieved, and what we can learn from them.



Dossier 11

Abahlali held a successful elective congress over the weekend

10th December 2018.
Abahlali baseMjondolo Movement SA Press statement

Abahlali held a successful elective congress over the weekend

Over the years our movement has grown rapidly despite the continuous repression from the state. The vision of the movement has always been to protect, promote and advance the interests of the impoverished and marginalised. We continue to fight for a just and equal society where dignity of all human kind is recognised. We have not deviated from our vision. We continue to build the power of the impoverished from below.  Continue reading

Abahlali to hold Policy and Special Elective Congress

Friday, 7 December 2018
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

Abahlali to hold Policy and Special Elective Congress

Our movement has been going through a tough time. Our land occupations are coming under sustained and illegal state violence. Many of our comrades have been injured and arrested, some have been tortured. We have buried many comrades this year as assassinations have worsened. Death threats have forced a number of comrades into hiding.  Continue reading

Abahlali to hold Policy and Special Elective Congress

Friday, 7 December 2018
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

Abahlali to hold Policy and Special Elective Congress

Our movement has been going through a tough time. Our land occupations are coming under sustained and illegal state violence. Many of our comrades have been injured and arrested, some have been tortured. We have buried many comrades this year as assassinations have worsened. Death threats have forced a number of comrades into hiding.  Continue reading

Violent police assault leads to death of another baby

Tuesday, 04 December 2018
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

Violent police assault leads to death of another baby

On 16 November there was a brutal attack on the eNkanini land occupation including a helicopter and police from as far away as Bloemfontein. As individual homes were raided numerous people were severely beaten by the police. Teargas was thrown into homes without regard for who was inside and many children were affected.

Nonhlanhla Nzama, a resident in the occupation who was seven months pregnant, collapsed and was admitted to hospital for five days after inhaling the teargas. On Friday her child was stillborn.  Continue reading

eNkanini Branch to Open its Community Hall Today

Saturday, 1 December 2018
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

eNkanini Branch to Open its Community Hall Today

Today, Saturday 1 December, our eNkanini Branch in Cato Manor, will officially open its new community hall. The land was first occupied early last year and the occupation faced serious and often brutal resistance from the local ANC and middle-class residents living on nearby land. It took sustained courage to hold and win the land. The alliance between the middle class residents, the ANC and the police did not stop the inkani of community.  Continue reading

Court victory for disabled Umlazi residents



Enduduzweni Centre members celebrate as their electricity is reconnected

Members of the Enduduzweni Centre for the Disabled in Umlazi celebrated outside the Durban High Court on Tuesday, after their electricity had been reconnected following a court order against the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Social Development and the eThekwini Municipality. Continue reading

Tomorrow We Go to Court to Stop the Eviction of Disabled Residents

Monday, 26 November 2018
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

Tomorrow We Go to Court to Stop the Eviction of Disabled Residents

Tomorrow the eNduduzweni branch of Abahlali baseMjondolo goes to Durban High Court as the eThekwini Municipality and KZN Department of Social Development intensifies its war on the blind and physical challenged residents in the eNduduzweni Centre for the Disabled in uMlazi.

At the same time the eThekwini Municipality’s Land Invasion Unit is intensifying its was on the eKhenana land occupation in uMkhumbane.  Continue reading

Brutal Armed Attack on the eKhenana Land Occupation

08 November 2018
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

Brutal Armed Attack on the eKhenana Land Occupation

The eKhanana Land Occupation was founded in Cato Crest in August this year. Since then it has been subject to repeated armed attacks. The local ward councillor Ward councillor Mzimuni Ngiba has personally accompanied by the police and the Anti-Land Invasion Unit during at least one attack. The ANC leadership in the ward have made it clear that they will not accept the occupation and they have made it clear that they intend to continue to mobilise violence to destroy it.

Today at around 11 am the Anti-Land Invasion Unit, armed security and metro police arrived at the occupation. There were more than 200 of them and they were prepared for war. They attacked the occupation with serious violence including rubber bullets and live ammunition. A number of people were injured in the attack. Mthobeli Sinaba, Bhekokuhle Shezi and Lando Tshazi are currently in King Edward Hospital as a result of injuries sustained in the attack. Lando Tshazi was shot in the leg with live ammunition and the bullet is still stuck in his leg. Continue reading