Celebrating Victory and Justice for Abahlali leader Melita Ngcobo

Friday, 3 March 2023
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

Celebrating Victory and Justice for Abahlali leader Melita Ngcobo

In 2019 the Abahlali baseMjondolo branch in Vusimuzi, Gauteng, resisted an imposed reblocking project by the Ekurhuleni Municipality. During the community resistance all lies and threats against Abahlali activists were masterminded by the local ANC ward councillor, Hendrick Selwana.

Despite the attacks perpetrated by the councillor against Abahlali the project was halted. The halt to the project provided Abahlali with the opportunity to negotiate the sizes of the stands as many residents were complaining about the municipality unilaterally reducing their yard sizes, often making their homes much smaller in the process. Some were facing eviction and denied access to electricity connections as a form of punishment because they were members of Abahlali. Continue reading

Abahlali baseMjondolo is currently hosting an international movement conference

10 February 2023
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

Abahlali baseMjondolo is currently hosting an international movement conference

Our movement was founded in a commitment to solidarity with other struggles and movements, wherever they may be in the world. From the beginning we have worked, where possible, to build solidarity with struggles and movements elsewhere in the world, and we have often received amazing solidarity from around the world in times of crises, times when we are facing severe repression.

We have lost 24 activists in our struggle. If we were on our own we would be extremely vulnerable. Continue reading

Amadiba Crisis Committee comrades are under threat – a call for solidarity

03 February 2023
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

Amadiba Crisis Committee comrades are under threat – a call for solidarity

Last year our movement lost three leaders to assassination and another comrade to a police murder. On 21 January our comrade Thulani Maseko was assassinated in Swaziland. Political assassinations have often been used to repress dissent in Zimbabwe and Mozambique.

Across Southern Africa activists are at risk of assassination when they confront powerful forces. Many political activists, as well as LGBTI+ plus comrades, have had to flee their countries. Continue reading

Maphiwe Gasela, Siniko Miya and Landu Tshazi granted bail. Ntokozo Ngubane arrested.

1 February 2023
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

Maphiwe Gasela, Siniko Miya and Landu Tshazi granted bail. Ntokozo Ngubane arrested.

 Yesterday Maphiwe Gasela, Siniko Miya and Landu Tshazi were finally granted bail in the Durban Magistrate’s Court.

They have all previously been arrested on bogus charges, been denied bailed and kept in the notorious Westville Prison for more than six months before the charges were dropped. Continue reading

Abahlali condemns the attack on democracy in Brazil

11 January 2023
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

Abahlali condemns the attack on democracy in Brazil

Following the model of the fascists in the United States the Brazilian fascists attacked the presidential palace, the presidential offices, the Supreme Federal Court building and the offices of the National Congress in Brasília on 8 January.

This was a direct attack on democracy, an attack supported by agri-business, mining companies, some actors in the military and the police, and the extremists in the political base of former president Jair Bolsonaro.
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Today We Celebrate the Inauguration of Lula da Silva

1 January 2023
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

Today We Celebrate the Inauguration of Lula da Silva

Today Lula Da Silva will be inaugurated as the president of the Brazil.

New Year’s Day is always a time to recommit to the future. For our movement that means renewing our commitment to the universal struggle to defend human dignity against all forms of oppression.

New Year’s Day is also a time to remember the struggles of the past. The Haitian Revolution against slavery triumphed on 1 January 1804, and the Cuban Revolution triumphed on 1 January 1959. The Zapatista uprising in Mexico, which led to the creation of rural communes, was announced on 1 January 1994. Continue reading

Once again justice is delayed and denied for our comrades

23 December 2022
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

Once again justice is delayed and denied for our comrades

The attempt by the local ANC – working with the police, private security, the anti-land invasion unit and forces within the prosecuting authority – to destroy the eKhenana Commune has been relentless. The attacks on the Commune have included assassinations, assaults, illegal and violent evictions, vandalism, arson, repeated arrests on bogus charges and continual online slander from fake Facebook accounts, including two fake Facebook pages. Continue reading

Celebrating an Award for the eKhenana Commune

Friday, 02 December 2022
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

Celebrating Award for the eKhenana Commune

The eKhenana Commune continues to receive International recognition. On Sunday we will celebrate with Abahlali baseKhenana.

This year three comrades have given their lives for the eKhenana Commune, for occupying land and building a democratic community organised in accordance with progressive principles on issues like gender, xenophobia, sharing labour and refusing the commodification of land. They have worked to build food sovereignty, a co-operatively managed store, a political school and poetry, theatre and choir projects. Continue reading

Political Arrests Continue in eKhenana

27 November 2022
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

Political Arrests Continue in eKhenana

On 17 November, just a day after the Universal Periodic Review of South Africa by the United Nations, in which the South African government was directly challenged by a number of countries on the repression of our movement, three of our comrades were arrested on bogus charges.

During the Universal Periodic Review the South African state was called to account for the twenty two members of our movement who have been killed during the course of our struggle. Mary Lawlor, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, has made a number of public statements expressing her profound concern. Continue reading