An Old Snake in a New Skin – From Raymond Masondo to Heinrich Bohmke and Bandile Mdlalose

6 February 2015 Abahlali baseMjondolo Statement An Old Snake in a New Skin – From Raymond Masondo to Heinrich Bohmke and Bandile Mdlalose In 2006, when we made it clear that we would not give up our autonomy to the NGOs and walked out of a meeting at the Centre for Civil Society (CCS) at […]

Sleeping in the rain: even snakes treat us with more respect than the City of Cape Town

Abahlali baseMarikana Press Statement
4 May 2013

Sleeping in the rain: even snakes treat us with more respect than the City of Cape Town

As the homeless residents of Marikana, we are here because we do not have anywhere else to go. We are also now jobless which means we cannot afford to pay rent to live in someone’s backyard. We always vote for this government but they always treat us like dogs in our own country. The government sends the Anti-Land Invasions Unit, Law Enforcement and SAPS to demolish our houses. They did this on Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and again on Friday the 3rd of May.

We offer our full support to the American rebellion

Friday, 5 June 2020 Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement We offer our full support to the American rebellion People dying from the coronavirus can’t breathe in their last hours. They die suffocating. It is a terrifying illness. In the United States black people are dying from this virus at a much higher rate than other people. […]

Thousands ‘mourn’ their lack of freedom in Durban

New Frame On Sunday 28 April, the day after Freedom Day, shack dwellers’ movement Abahlali baseMjondolo held its UnFreedom Day rally on the Springfield campus of Thekwini TVET College in Durban to “mourn what was supposed to be freedom”. “There’s no real freedom. There’s fake freedom,” Abahlali president S’busiso Zikode told the sea of red, […]

Workers’ Liberty: “Poor people can think for themselves” In South Africa, the governing African National Congress (ANC) considers itself the only legitimate voice of the poor. Self-organising among the poor is met with brutal repression by the state and its organs. Christoph Plutte and Anja Hertz talked to Ndabo Mzimela and S’bu Zikode of Abahlali base Mjondolo, a grassroots organisation of people […]