Clandestino: Zuma ascolti i poveri. Abahlali risponde all’ambasciatrice sudafricana

Zuma ascolti i poveri. Abahlali risponde all’ambasciatrice sudafricana

Non solo i grandi media, anche l’ambasciata sudafricana è costretta a prendere atto della grande campagna Mondiali al contrario. L’ambasciatrice sudafricana in Italia, Thenjiwe Mtintso, ha infatti detto di essere disponibile a incontrare Abahlali: è accaduto il giorno dopo la conferenza stampa presso la redazione di Carta, quando un giornalista di Radio Meridiano 12, Massimo Pittarello (che aveva partecipato alla conferenza a Carta), ha intervistato l’ambasciatrice, nel corso di un incontro presso la Uisp dedicato ai mondiali.

L”assemblea settimanale del movimento, a Durban, ha deciso di rispondere, scrivendo la lettera che trovate qui di seguito, firmata da S’bu Zikode, uno dei promotori del movimento (costretto da molti mesi a vivere in clandestinità per le aggressioni e minacce di morte subite) all’ambasciatrice. Abahlali la invita ad accettare l’incontro con i tre sudafricani in Italia, alla presenza di media, e sopratutto a fare pressioni perché il presidente sudafricano Zuma risponda al Memorandum consegnato durante la grande manifestazione organizzata dal movimento in marzo. Ad oggi, nonostante alcune telefonate di cittadini e media all’ambasciata, non ci sono state risposte.

Ascolta l’intervista

“Dear Comrades in Italy,

We are very glad and grateful to hear that our comrades have arrived well and safe in Italy, we are also very excited and impressed by how they represent us (Abahlali) all in the Italian soil. We are grateful how comrade Brother Filippo, Fransisco and others have welcome them. We are rest assured that, they are in good brotherly and sisterly hands. We are proud that again and again we have a strong delegate to represent our interests in the world. A world that often sees South Africa as better country with a history of representing the poor after years of oppression by the apartheid regime. Having listened also in the audio recording of the address by comrade Thembani we are confident that a lot can be shared with the Italian poor brothers and sisters. Our opinion in as far as the question is concerned, is that comrades should meet with the SA embassodor, preferably in the presence of the media, it is so interesting to hear that she knows about Abahlali in SA and that she has heard and aware about their arrival in Italy.

What also can be discussed with her is the failure of the government particular in KZN and W-Cape to engage meaningful with the Movement, to provide land and necessary basic services in all our settlements, the fact that we are living under threats of evictions, the homelessness, the political repression and attack in Kennedy Rd and other settlements in CapeTown, Kennedy Rd political imprisonment and alleged corruption in the housing allocation and prioritization etc. That you find necessary with a confirmation as to When, How, are these issues are going to be resolved especial that even Jacob Zuma has not responded to our Memorandum during the protest march. We also think that this may put the South African government under huge pressure especial that they cannot talk and meet with us in SA but outside the country because they want to be seen friendly to us. We say viva Upside down World Cup viva!! Looking forward to hear more from the Italian revolutionary visit.

S’bu. Zikode On behalf of Abahlali baseMjondolo Movement SA