Author Archives: Abahlali_3

GroundUp: Continued existence of shacks is a real scandal

Continued existence of shacks is a real scandal

by Benjamin Fogel

Yet another shack fire has devastated the BM section of Khayelitsha. On New Years morning fires raged through the community, leaving about 4,000 people homeless and killing at least four. The responses from authorities to what has now become a routine occurrence in the area have been mixed.

The response time of fire fighters was reportedly around two hours, despite the fire station being only a kilometer away. One City of Cape Town official Richard Bosman blamed the slow response time on the apparent obstruction of the routes to BM section caused by “resident’s belongings”. What that means in a community still lacking paved roads and desperately in need of “upgrading”, I do not know.

But the real scandal is the existence of shacks. Shack fires are just a symptom of a wider injustice. Shacks have come to be accepted as normal, a permanent existence, yet municipalities continue to insist they are merely temporary. The houses will be built but the settlements cannot be upgraded, as shacks are not permanent structures.

Shacks then occupy a zone of legal flux. If residents attempt to upgrade their dwellings into permanent structures they risk incurring the wrath of municipal demolition teams. Shack-dwellers occupy a curious position between rights bearing citizens and criminality, in which their very housing exists beyond the law.

This is the location of some of the most marginalised people in our society: sprawling shantytowns devoid of basic services-from water to roads to electricity. Despite the oft-repeated assurances of future upgrades from both major political parties, across the country’s mega-townships such as Khayelitsha in Cape Town, most of these upgrades have yet to appear.

In these high-density settlements often lacking electricity, residents are forced to use paraffin lamps for light or gas stoves in order to cook. It is in these circumstances where a misstep can lead to an inferno or falling asleep can destroy a community. As the lamp falls over and the shack is consumed by flames in a matter of minutes, the neighbouring shacks join soon afterwards.

It’s not only damage to property and bodies done by the fire. A psychological toll is left too, as people see the communities disappear in a matter of hours and are forced to rebuild their lives on a regular basis. The physical trauma can be repaired, but can the psychological?

It’s surely obvious that the fortress suburbs that occupy the more privileged sections of our cities, don’t face the same risk from fire. They have electricity,bricks and concrete and space. Not to mention the likely faster response time of emergency services.

Mike Davis writing in a seminal essay titled “Planet of Slums”, which would later become a book, noted that somewhere in one of the emerging mega-cities of the developing world, Jakarta, Lagos, Mumbai or Johannesburg a child would be born, which mark the first time majority of the world’s population lived in urban areas.

Over the last few decades the rapid urbanisation present in South Africa, has been even surpassed by the migration of millions from India to China to Nigeria and Brazil of people to urban areas, although South Africa certainly has its own particular and brutal history of urban development and restriction of the majority of its inhabitants’ movements.

British Academic Matt Birkenshaw writing a few years ago, after his own experience of shack fires while living in the Kennedy Road settlement in Durban, noted that shack fires are often described in the same or a similar language to natural disasters, when in fact they are a result of specific policy choices. According to Birkinshaw:

There is not enough affordable housing for everyone and low cost housing is rarely built close to the city centre. For this reason transport costs make even low-cost housing unaffordable for many people. Growing shack settlements are the result. Local government policy appears to be designed to force shack dwellers to live in “camps” and to prevent the inclusion of shacks in the city. Refusal to allow shack settlements access to electricity leads to the use of dangerous sources of light and heat, such as paraffin stoves and candles. Unwillingness to provide security of tenure stops shack dwellers from informally upgrading their homes with less flammable building materials. Very minimal water supply makes it impossible for shack dwellers to effectively fight fires themselves. Because of these policies, fires are increasingly frequent in shack settlements and shack dwellers face the continual threat of death, injury, homelessness, and loss of livelihood”.

Apartheid left cities with a geography defined by race. The limitations imposed by the apartheid state on permanent residency among black South Africans, and the restricted program on building permanent housing, combined with the strategic location of many homelands near to major urban centres left a legacy of sprawling informal settlements on the outskirts of South Africa’s major cities.

The advent of majority rule in 1994 saw the removal of restrictions on black movement in the country and the official incorporation of former Bantustans into South Africa. Economic pressures, in particular the continuing legacies of underdevelopment in these areas and the lack of significant land reform, saw millions of South African flock to cities in search of what little work was available there. This migration saw the further growth of informal settlements, still defined as merely temporary by government despite being decades old in some cases.

Derided on twitter by a certain opposition leader as “refugees”, subject of a media driven hysteria about invaders, these people are seen as surplus to requirements. This does not stop them transforming what appear to be bleak zones of nothingness into living, breathing, dynamic communities despite the poverty, crime, unemployment, a lack of sanitation or even some basic consumer goods.

It is the failure of government to specifically deal adequately with the rapid growth of informal settlements and broader society as a whole in terms of bringing about any real change in terms of South Africa’s economy and legacy of inequality. Here I don’t distinguish between the DA and the ANC, who both remain largely committed to the same urban policy paradigms bent on establishing mythical “World Class cities” rather than dealing with existing problems.

This is best symbolized by the festive white elephants littering the country known as soccer stadiums built in preparation for the 2010 world cup. While the residents of BM are still waiting for promised upgrades along with millions of their fellow citizens.

The question that remains is how have we normalised the existence of shacks, despite our apparent commitment to adequate housing in our Constitution? How do South Africans commute from Cape Town airport to the city centre without taking full cognisance of the level of inequality?

This normality, this acceptance of the unacceptable and our own inability to conceptualise a different South Africa, based upon a new vision of democratic urban development is the true horror. The existence of shacks is a symptom of a wider social cancer built upon the legacy of inequality and exploitation. It is the real scandal, not the fire which inevitably will occur as a result of their existence.

Afrikan HipHop Caravan

February 11, 2013
Contact: Anele Selekwa, +27 (83) 4472939
Biko Mutsaurwa +27 73 684 2750

Note: Join the Cape Town debut of American Hip Hop artist Mic Crenshaw (USA) and DJ Radical (USA) along with performances Zimbabwe’s Uhuru Network, Zubz featuring DJ Easy, Soundz of the South, Wordz of a Rebel Sistah, and other artists from Cape Town. Photo Opportunities available.

Cape Town Schedule:
February 13th Symposium @Community House, 9-5pm, 41 Salt River Road;
February 14th Performance @Zula Bar, 8pm, 98 Long Street;
February 17th Performance @Lookout Hill, 1pm, corner Mew Way & Spine Rd. Khayelitsha.

Zula Bar, Cape Town ­February 14, 8:00pm – The highlight of the evening’s performances include Mic Crenshaw from the United States who has shared stages with major American Hiphop artists such as, WuTang Klan, Outkast, The Fugees, Immortal Technique and Dead Prez. Joining him is renowned DJ Radical Klavical. G.o.d.obori from Zimbabwe will be MCing and Zubz featuring DJ Easy will offer their notorious flavour. The evening will be filled with live collaborations between these international and Afrikan artists.

The Afrikan Hiphop Caravan (February 13 – March 30), initiated by local Hiphop collectives [1] across the continent connects local and international artists and cultural educators in five cities: Cape Town, Johannesburg, Harare, Nairobi and Tunis. The Caravan has produced a series of performances, symposiums [2] and recording sessions offering audiences the opportunity to engage with a fusion of conscious Hiphop in each city. The project builds bridges between nascent Hiphop communities, sharing social justice and cultural resources. It is the first of what aims to be an annual entertainment and movement-building tour. This year the Caravan especially aims to build momentum on the continent in the lead up to the World Social Forum in Tunis, March 26-30.

The artist collectives involved in the project utilize Hiphop to produce music, popular education and artistry to speak to issues of oppression and democracy, gender inequalities, and cultural development. “While deepening our connections as Hiphop artists across the continent and beyond our boarders, the Caravan helps our DJ’s, poets and educators in their work to address local social problems,” said Anele Selekwa, Co-Founder Soundz of the South.

Intsangu, an indie clothing label in Cape Town providing conscious Hiphop aesthetics to local and international Hiphop headz partners on these events. For more information contact:

Endorsers of the Caravan Include: DeadPrez (U.S.), The Coup (U.S.), Zion I (U.S.), Jeff Chang (U.S.), Mumia Abu-Jamal (U.S.), Global Fam (U.S.), Hip Hop Congress (U.S.), The Obo Addy Legacy Project (U.S.), Veterans For Peace (U.S.), Education WithOut Borders (U.S.), The University of Zimbabwe (Zimbabwe), Right to Know Campaign (South Africa), Children of South Africa (South Africa), International Labour Research and Information Group (South Africa), Sankara Studios (Senegal), Africultureban (Senegal), Ukooflani (Kenya), Mau Mau (Kenya).

For more information please visit:

1. The Caravan is made up of eight leading African grassroots Hiphop collectives: Soundz of the South (South Africa), Uhuru Network (Zimbabwe), Pungwe Entertainment (Zimbabwe), Ukooflani (Kenya) Wasanii Mtaani/Artists in the Hood (Kenya), Sankara Studios (Senegal), Hip Hop Akademy (Senegal).

2. The Caravan symposiums offer a unique space for scholars, cultural artists and activists to discuss African Hiphop and its relevance to: youth empowerment, socio-political processes, democratization, African feminism and cultural development. The focus of these dialogues is the diverse manifestations and contributions of Hiphop across the continent.

3. Events schedule:

February 13th Symposium @Community House, 9-5pm, 41 Salt River Road;
February 14th Performance @Zula Bar, 8pm, 98 Long Street;
February 17th Performance @Lookout Hill, 1pm, corner Mew Way & Spine Rd. Khayelitsha.

February 20th Symposium and Performance @Goethe Institute, 9- 8pm, 119 Jan Smuts Ave (Entrance on Newport Road), Parkwood 2193.

February 27th Symposium @The University of Zimbabwe, 9am – 8:30pm, Church Hill Rd. in Mt. Pleasant;
March 1st Afrikan Hip Hop Slam @Book Café PLACE, 9pm- 1am, corner of S. Machel & 6th Street.
February 23rd Symposium & performance details TBD


March 28 Symposium, @Goethe Institute TBD
March 29, Cultural Activism strategy session, TBD
March 29, Performances, TBD

SACSIS: Cities Need to Plan with the Poor, Not for the Poor

Cities Need to Plan with the Poor, Not for the Poor

by Felicity Kitchin

“People who live in the shacks have other people planning for their lives; whatever they get is not planned with them; there are people planning for them.” – Resident of Siyanda, eThekwini

Recent riots in Zamdela in the Free State have brought the issue of community participation in development decision-making into sharp focus. Zamdela revealed a complete lack of regard for an affected community’s input into a key decision that would have far reaching implications for their lives. It is an example of how tragically wrong things can go when communities are not consulted by the state. Four people lost their lives in the ensuing protests and clashes with the police. Continue reading

M&G: Dlamini-Zuma report: Report puts KZN councillors in firing line

Dlamini-Zuma report: Report puts KZN councillors in firing line

by Niren Tolsi

Influential KwaZulu-Natal politicians have been implicated in a probe into election irregularities by Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma.

Powerbrokers in influential ANC regions in KwaZulu-Natal are likely to face the chop as councillors if the recommendations of the report compiled by current African Union chairperson Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma are acted upon.

Dlamini-Zuma’s report was initiated by ANC President Jacob Zuma to investigate allegations of irregularities in the list processes for councillors leading up to 2011 local-government elections. The ANC had opened up nominations to broader communities, rather than just party members, for the first time.  Continue reading

M&G: Mpisane wife arrested in hunt for the duo’s R140m assets>

Mpisane wife arrested in hunt for the duo’s R140m assets

Shawn Mpisane, one half of the controversial Mpisane couple, has been arrested on allegations of fraud as NPA search for assets worth R140-million.

According to IOL, the Durban businessperson was arrested on Thursday and is expected to appear in the Commercial Crimes Court.

On Tuesday, the KwaZulu-Natal High Court granted the Asset Forfeiture Unit an order authorising it to freeze and seize R140-million in property.

The National Prosecuting Authority on Wednesday said luxury cars valued at around R22-million were seized from former Durban metro police officer Sibusiso Mpisane and his wife.

The cars included a Rolls-Royce Phantom, a Rolls-Royce Ghost, a Maserati, a Ferrari Scaglietti, a Porsche Cayenne Turbo and a Panamera Turbo, two armoured BMW 5 Series and two Hummers, the NPA said in a statement on Wednesday.

Various construction vehicles seized were valued at about R4.5-million.

Four fixed properties – including Mpisane’s home – valued at about R25-million were also seized.

The NPA said other assets were still being identified.

Inflating invoices

Shawn, who has been convicted of tax fraud, is on trial in the Durban Regional Court for alleged tax evasion.

She is accused of, among other things, inflating invoices by more than R5-million to cut her tax bill. She has pleaded not guilty.

“Since she [Shawn] is married in community of property to her husband, it includes all property owned by the couple,” the NPA said.

“This is one of the largest cases ever done by the Asset Forfeiture Unit, and is a significant blow in the fight against corruption.”

Past scandals

In 2011 the Mail & Guardian reported that Mpisane claimed her company had received no money from the municipality since October 2009. But records showed that more than R50-million was transferred electronically from the eThekwini municipality to Zikhulise in November and December 2009, weeks before the Mpisanes hosted a glitzy New Year’s Eve bash.

The Mpisanes made headlines again when they splurged almost R1-million on birthday and wedding celebrations in a single weekend. Shawn presented her husband with a white R1.8-million Maserati GranCabrio at his 40th birthday party at their La Lucia home.

Earlier that day the couple renewed their wedding vows at the five-star Fairmont Hotel and Resort in Zimbali. The 180 guests included Khulubuse Zuma, billionaire businessman Vivian Reddy and businessperson Kenny Kunene.

Oysters, sushi, champagne and three different types of French cognac were on the menu. The flowers alone reportedly cost R300 000. “We are a couple who like class,” Sibusiso told journalists. – Additional reporting by Sapa