Tomorrow We Return to uMthwalume to Support Hlengiwe Gasa

Monday, 28 September 2020
Abahlali baseMjondolo Women’s League

Tomorrow We Return to uMthwalume to Support Hlengiwe Gasa

Tomorrow morning Hlengiwe Gasa is scheduled to appear in the Umzumbe court again. The Abahlali baseMjondolo Women’s League will be there, one again, to support her, and uMthwalume Women.

After a number of women were raped and murdered in uMthwalume a group of women in the area formed a women’s organisation, uMthwalume Women, to work to ensure each other’s safety and to oppose violence against women. On 25 July a group of about 100 women from uMthwalume Women marched in protest at the terrifying levels of violence against women in their community. The purpose of the march was to show their concern to the world and to deliver a memorandum to the SAPS, calling on them to act as women in the community were being raped and murdered.  Continue reading

Isifundo sika Thuli Ndlovu

24 September 2020

Isifundo sika Thuli Ndlovu

Mphathi wohlelo, baholi babahlali baseMjondolo kuwo wonke amazinga, omama, instha. Ngokukhethekile ngibingelele imindeni yamaqhawe ethu, mama Ndlovu, mama Mpeku, mama Ngcobo, mama Sizani, mama Dlamini,

Namhlanje usuku olukhulu nolubalulekile emlandweni woMbutho wabahlali lapho sikhumbula khona amaqhawe ethu anikela ngezimpilo zawo ukuze mina nawe nabantwana bethu siphile kangcono.  Continue reading

Abahlali baseMjondolo to hold Annual Thuli Ndlovu lecture

Thursday, 24 September 2020
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

Abahlali baseMjondolo to hold Annual Thuli Ndlovu lecture

We will this morning hold our Annual Thuli Ndlovu lecture. The Thuli Ndlovu lecture is one of our revolutionary moment to honour and commemorate our fallen heroes.

Thuli Ndlovu was assassinated on 29 September 2014 at her home in KwaNdengezi while she was carrying her baby boy Freedom. Next to her was Sphe Madlala a teenager who was visiting Thuli’s daughter to help her with her school home work. Thuli was shot dead by a hitman. Sphe was also shot but survived with serious wounds. Continue reading

Solidarity with the Comrades Under Attack in the Philippines

Monday, 14 September 2020
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

Solidarity with the Comrades Under Attack in the Philippines

Our movement has experienced serious repression, including the targeted destruction of our members’ homes, assault, torture and murder. We have received solidarity from popular movements around the world, and have always offered our own solidarity to comrades under attack elsewhere in the world.

When we say that every person must count as a person we mean that every person must count as a person everywhere. Solidarity does not stop at any border. Continue reading

Solidarity with Hlengiwe Gasa and uMthwalume Women

1 September 2020
Abahlali baseMjondolo Women’s League

Solidarity with Hlengiwe Gasa and uMthwalume Women

Fourteen women have gone missing in uMthwalume since April. Six are still missing. Another six have been found raped and murdered in the sugarcane fields. The other two managed to escape from the man or men that abducted them. The last body was found, burnt beyond recognition, this weekend.

A group of women in the area formed a women’s organisation, uMthwalume Women, to work to ensure each other’s safety and to oppose violence against women. On 25 July a group of about 100 women from uMthwalume Women marched in protest at the terrifying levels of violence against women in their community. The purpose of the march was to show their concern to the world and to deliver a memorandum to the SAPS, calling on them to act as women in the community were being raped and murdered. Continue reading

The ANC has never been serious about fighting corruption

Wednesday, 19 August 2020
Abahlali baseMjondolo

The ANC has never been serious about fighting corruption

The ANC is a deeply corrupt and violent organisation. The politicians and their families feed off the suffering of the poor like a plague of locusts. Every budget is an opportunity for someone to become rich, or to become even richer. Money budgeted for the urgent and basic needs of the poor is stolen day after day, and year after year. There are no consequences for the politically connected. They steal from us with impunity.  Continue reading

Solidarity with the People of Zimbabwe

Wednesday, 5 August 2020
Abahlali baseMjondolo

Solidarity with the People of Zimbabwe

Zimbabweans have been living under oppression for many years due to the iron fist of Zanu PF. Many activists have been spied on, intimidated, assaulted, arrested, tortured and murdered. Making use of freedom of speech is a crime in Zimbabwe. Organising outside of the ruling party is a crime in Zimbabwe.

Now the army is out on the streets attacking people demanding democracy. Journalists are being attacked too. Instead of dealing with the situation in the country president Emmerson Mnangwangwa blames the crisis on what he calls ‘dark forces’ and Western influences. This is exactly what the ANC does when it talks of ‘dark forces’, ‘sinister hands’ and the ‘Third Force.’  Continue reading

Violent, Criminal Attack on the eKhenana Occupation

Tuesday, 28 July 2020
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

Violent, Criminal Attack in the eKhenana Occupation

Today, at 10:00 am, the eThekwini Municipality launched a violent, criminal attack on the eKhenana Occupation in Cato Manor.

The residents of this occupation are protected by a court order that was granted on 27 December last year, and then reaffirmed on 24 April this year after the municipality repeated attacked the settlement in violation of the court order, the Constitution, the law and the lockdown regulations.  Continue reading