Impi ikhona: The War on our Movement Continues in Durban

Friday, 3 April 2020

Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

Impi ikhona: The War on our Movement Continues in Durban

The eThekwini Municipality attacked Ekuphumeleleni again today. Once again the notoriously violent and brutal Calvin security company was used to launch the attack. Seven homes were destroyed in this attack.

The attacks are now happening every day, sometimes twice a day. The eThekwini Municipality is ignoring the laws of the country, the rules governing the lockdown, a direct and public instruction from the Minister of human settlements, a letter from our legal representatives, the repeated statements from our movement, which represents more than 70 000 people in Durban, and statements from progressive organisations and intellectuals from across South Africa, and around the world, including the largest trade union in the country, the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa. Continue reading

eThekwini Municipality Evicts Again, This Time with the Backing of the Army

Thursday, 2 April 2020

Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

eThekwini Municipality Evicts Again, This Time with the Backing of the Army

The eThekwini Municipality has just attacked the Azania settlement in Cato Manor again. This time Calvin Security was backed by the police and the army. A journalist was there and they chased her away. Continue reading



2 April 2020

The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) in KwaZulu-Natal condemns the Capitalist government led by the ANC for the murders of three people who were killed as a result of the heavy handedness of police during the lockdown. The Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) is investigating three cases of murder against law enforcement officers in Gauteng and in the Western Cape. On Sunday Sibusiso Amos was one of those who was shot and killed by police at his home on the veranda, unfortunately four children were also wounded during the shooting incident. We have also seen footage of police officers and members of the South African National Defense Force (SANDF) harassing and humiliating members of the African working-class majority whilst patrolling our neighbourhoods. For this they must be strongly condemned.  Continue reading

Stop the Abuse and Violence Against Poor Black People!

Thursday, 2 April 2020

Abahlali baseMjondolo Youth League Press Statement

Stop the Abuse and Violence Against Poor Black People!

Since the coronavirus lockdown began our movement has been violently attacked by the eThekwini Municipality and Calvin Security on three separate occasions. The attacks on our movement continue even though we are all facing this virus that has caused havoc around the world.  Continue reading


01 April 2020

Message of Solidarity


Revolutionary greetings!

The above matter refers.

The Pan Africanist Congress (PAC) of Azania-KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) wishes to express its unconditional support to your cause to fight the battles of our people to have access both to land and descent housing. Access to land and housing are fundamental in the struggle of a people to emancipate themselves socially and economically.

The PAC KZN has learnt with dismay that the eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality through its mercenary security company, Calvin Security Services, has executed evictions by demolishing five (5) houses yesterday at Ekuphumuleni settlement, Marrianhill. We reject this action and other evictions that have been executed in the last few months. It is unfortunate that all these evictions are executed during this period when the entire country is seized with the fight against COVID-19 and access to shelter is fundamental as a result of the lockdown ordered by the President as a measure to reduce the effects of COVID-19 and to flatten the curve.

PAC KZN calls for an immediate moratorium on all impending evictions and reversal of all evictions already executed. We shall be writing a formal letter to the Mayor, KZN Premier and the President in this regard to support your noble struggle against these inhumane evictions that are in conflict with the letter and spirit of both the Bill of Rights and Ubuntu principles.

PAC KZN stands with Abahlali Basemjondolo! Rest assured of our support in your fight for the land and shelter to be afforded the African people. To us, the fight for land and shelter is the fight for dignity.

Izwe lethu!





PAC Message of Solidarity

Sekwanele! Enough is enough!

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Abahlali baseMjondolo Women’s League Statement

Sekwanele! Enough is enough!

 We as the Women’s League of Abahlali baseMjondolo see the need to express our pain and fear, and our deep disappointment and anger at the eThekwini municipality. We need to issue a clear warning that we will not continue to accept oppression.

Abahlali as a movement teaches respect. Men must respect women. People of different generations must respect each other. People who are born in different countries and people from different provinces must respect each other. We have struggled for years in our movement to ensure that poor people are treated with respect. In this crisis caused by the coronavirus we have respected the President’s call to stay indoors even though this is very difficult when there are many people living in one shack, and even though this is very difficult when we don’t get paid when we don’t work. Continue reading

Two Settlements Violently Attacked by the eThekwini Municipality Today

Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

Two Settlements Violently Attacked by the eThekwini Municipality Today

Two settlements affiliated to our movement, Azania in Cato Manor and Ekuphumeleleni in Mariannhill, were attacked by the eThekwini Municipality and subject to eviction today. In Azania 15 homes were destroyed. In Ekuphumeleleni, which has now been subject to three attacks from the eThekwini municipality since the national lockdown started, three homes were destroyed. After people’s homes were destroyed their building materials were broken, and then petrol was poured on them and they were burnt.

Both attacks were extremely aggressive and violent and left people injured. Five residents from Azania have been taken to hospital with serious injuries. In Azania live ammunition was used, and shots were fired despite the presence of children and elderly people. Both evictions were carried about by the notorious Calvin Security, an organisation that consistently acts towards poor black people with violent brutality and in brazen violation of the law. Continue reading

Evictions Continue in Durban Despite the National Moratorium

Sunday, 29 March 2020

Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

Evictions Continue in Durban Despite the National Moratorium

The national government made a clear promise that there would be no evictions during the national shutdown implemented to slow the spread of the coronavirus. However today, at around 12:30, Calvin Security returned to the Ekuphumeleleni settlement in Mariannhill, which falls under the eThekwini Municipality, and demolished 5 houses. This the second eviction aimed at our movement during the national shutdown and it is a direct violation of a promise made by national government, and a direct attack on the most vulnerable people in this time of crisis. Continue reading


Letter of Demand to the eThekwini Municipality and Calvin Security

Evictions in Durban on the First Day of the National Shutdown

Friday, 27 March 2020

Abahlali baseMjondolo

Evictions in Durban on the First Day of the National Shutdown

On the first day of the national Covid-19 lockdown the eThekwini municipality has evicted residents from the Ekuphumeleleni settlement near Shallcross in Ward 17. Today at about 14pm nine motor vehicles labelled Calvin Security came to the Ekuphumeleleni settlement, which was first established as a land occupation in October 2019, to tear down people’s homes. No Court Order was produced and therefore the evictions were illegal and criminal. They were also in violation of the rules governing the national state of disaster. Continue reading