Challenges of Internationalism, Solidarity and Integration of Peoples

Challenges of Internationalism, Solidarity and Integration of Peoples

– Address by S’bu Zikode to the People’s BRICS meeting in Brasilia, 12 November 2019

Thank you Programme Director. May I take this opportunity to thank the International Secretariat for creating this space for us. I see this space as an instrument full of possibilities and hope for a better world, a world that we want and for which we are all prepared to fight. May I also thank all comrades from Pan Africa Today who have always counted us, the uncounted, in this difficult journey for a world we want, a world in which we all live like human beings.

In recent years we have had a close and important relationship with the MST, the movement of the landless here in Brazil, and many of our comrades have travelled to Brazil to spend time with the MST, and to participate in the MST political school. Our struggles to put the social value of land before its commercial value have much in common. We deeply appreciate the solidarity from the MST and our movement shares in your joy at the release of Lula. Continue reading

25 years of democracy has been paid in blood

Last night S’bu Zikode spoke in parliament, in Cape Town, at the Constitutional Dialogue organised by the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC), the National Foundations Dialogue Initiative (NFDI) and the Institute for Justice and Reconciliation (IJR) at an event organised to discuss how the key values under-pining the Constitution (human dignity, the achievement of equality, advancement of human rights and freedoms, non-racialism, and non-sexism) can be realised.

Other speakers included Professor Barney Pityana, a former leader of the Black Consciousness Movement, and Edwin Cameron, a former judge on the Constitutional Court.

This is the text of the speech given by S’bu Zikode.

24 October 2019
25 years of democracy has been paid in blood

A talk given by S’bu Zikode at the National Foundations Dialogue Initiative, Cape Town Parliament

There is no doubt that in 1994 we all had high hopes in the political leadership of a black majority government in our country. Many promises were made and many promises were broken. Many people who came to work for government decided to work to enrich themselves. We were shocked to realise that impoverished communities on the ground just became voting specialists. Many of us started to organise communities to build unity and enabling environment for government to deliver to its promises. We did not just fold our arms and waited for hand outs. We registered NPOs and ran drop in centres, early child development centres. We ran community gardens and feeding schemes and worked with local business to feed and find employment for our communities. We remained passionate and patriotic to our communities and to our country. While we worked hard to democratise our settlements. We committed ourselves to the project of nation building as envisaged by Nelson Mandela and others. We were inspired by the values of our constitutional democracy and held our flag so high. Continue reading

City Attacks Community in Verulam

14 October 2019
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

City Attacks Community in Verulam

This morning at about 10 the Anti-Land Invasion Unit attacked a small community in Parkgate in Verulam in Durban. This community falls under Ward 102.

This is a community of about 75 people, including school going children, living in about 20 houses. This community has lived on this land since 2016.

A few days ago the City arrived and, without explanation marked ten houses with an ‘X’. Today they destroyed these ten houses, and then continued to destroy another 5 houses before the community was able to organise resistance and save the last five houses. Their belongings were also thrown out and destroyed. They have been left destitute. Continue reading

Abahlali baseMjondolo to hold Heritage Celebration in Gauteng

27 September 2019
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

Abahlali baseMjondolo to hold Heritage Celebration in Gauteng

Our movement continues to grow and to support the impoverished to organise themselves and to build democratic counter-power to the state and capital. We now have branches in five provinces. There has been rapid growth in the Eastern Cape and Mpumalanga, and we are steadily advancing in Gauteng.

The recent xenophobic attacks were centred in Gauteng, and they continue in various neighbourhoods. In a number of neighbourhoods people continue to be removed from their homes by xenophobic mobs. Some of our members tell us that they are still sleeping with their IDs under their pillows. Continue reading

IOL: KZN shack dwellers to hold lecture on ‘fallen heroes’ on Heritage Day


DURBAN – Shack dwellers’ movement Abahlali baseMjondolo will hold a lecture on Tuesday to commemorate its fallen heroes, it said on Monday evening.

The annual Thuli Ndlovu Memorial Lecture will take place at the Surat Hindu Hall in Durban.

An Abahlali activist, KwaNdengezi branch chairperson and member of Abahlali’s national council, Ndlovu was killed in September 2014 by a hitman, on the instructions of ANC councillors Mduduzi Ngcobo and Luvelile Lutsheku. The men were sentenced to life in prison.   Continue reading

Abahlali to Commemorate our Fallen Heroes through the Annual Thuli Ndlovu Memorial Lecture

Monday, 23 September 2019
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

Abahlali to Commemorate our Fallen Heroes through the Annual Thuli Ndlovu Memorial Lecture

September is a sad month for our movement. Our offices and our homes in the Kennedy Road settlement were ransacked, attacked and destroyed in September 2009. Our leaders were violently driven from the Kennedy Road after the conspiracy to assassinate our leaders including S’bu Zikode failed. After this attack the then MEC for Safety and Community Liaison Willies Mchunu celebrated the “demise” of Abahlali. This attack happened in the presence of the police. It was September 2014 when Nqobile Nzuza, an Abahlali student who was 17 years old, was shot dead by the police during peaceful protest in Cato Crest. It was September 2014 when Thuli Ndlovu our chairperson in KwaNdengezi was assassinated by a hitman hired by two ANC councillors and their gun man (hit man). The councillors and their hit man were later sentenced to life imprisonment by the Durban High Court. Continue reading

Abahlali baseVusimuzi Comrades to Appear in Ekurhuleni Magistrate’s Court this Morning

Thursday, 19 September 2019
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

Abahlali baseVusimuzi Comrades to Appear in Ekurhuleni Magistrate’s Court this Morning

In August this year, in the Women’s month, two women from Vusimuzi-Section, Tembisa, Mam Hlatshwayo and Neli, were arrested and charged with fabricated cases for organising and loudhailing in the community. This follows the top down and imposed re-blocking project that has been imposed on the community. Reblocking has become a new eviction terminology to justify eviction by the City of Ekurhuleni. The community resisted reblocking in streets and in courts.

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Urban Shack Settlements as a Site of Struggle

Urban Shack Settlements as a Site of Struggle

A talk given at the ‘Urban activism: Staking Claims in the 21 Century City’ conference at Harvard University on 13 September 2019.

S’bu Zikode

I am very honoured and humbled to be invited here at Harvard University to speak on Urban Activism. I take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to the Centre for Middle Eastern Studies who have invited me, and made it possible for organised shack dwellers in South Africa to be represented at this prestigious platform. I am also grateful to Abahlali baseMjondolo for entrusting me to speak here, and with this excellent opportunity for our movement.

When we take our place in our society we take it humble but firm. Today we take it here at Harvard. Just as we occupy land we also try to occupy our place in all discussions that are relevant to us and our lives.  Continue reading

Today’s Abahlali General Assembly to Discuss the National Crisis of Violence Against Women, Migrants, Children and Impoverished People

Sunday, 8 September 2019
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

Today’s Abahlali General Assembly to Discuss the National Crisis of Violence Against Women, Migrants, Children and Impoverished People

Our country is in a deep and very painful crisis. Millions of people see no future for their lives and we face terrible violence from the state and each other. Husbands attack wives. Neighbours attacks neighbours. Fathers attack their own children. The state destroys our homes with violence every day. No one is safe. Nowhere is safe.

As impoverished people we have been living in a constant state of emergency for years. We have lost 18 comrades in a few years. Most of them have been killed by the municipal Land Invasion Unit of the eThekwini Municipality. Some of them have been killed by the South African Police, some of them have been killed by the Metro police, some of them have been killed by the izinkabi hired by ANC councillors. Continue reading