Category Archives: Churches

The Politic of Freedom without Land

17 July 2014

The Politic of Freedom without Land

An address to the 10th Biennial Consultation on Urban Ministry, 15-17 July 2014, Pretoria, on the theme "Un-Shack-led: Faith and the City 20 Years Later"

By S’bu Zikode

I am honoured and humbled to be invited to be here, and to speak at this church. On behalf of Abahlali baseMjondolo Movement SA, the movement that has entrusted me with this responsibility to participate in your meeting, I wish to express our gratitude for this invitation.

The churches have rallied to our struggle in difficult times – after shack fires, after arrests, after beatings, after evictions and after shootings. We know about the role that churches have played in Brazil and in Haiti. We believe that the churches can play the same role here in South Africa if they take a clear decision, as some church leaders bravely have already, to be with the people, to clearly take the side of the people, instead of being another stakeholder in another government or civil society meeting. Bishop Rubin Philip has stood strong in the politic of the poor.

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Churches & the Organised Poor

Churches & the Organised Poor

By Thina Khanyile, IUM-SiCiLi Barefoot Consultation, Pretoria, 28 August 2012

Abahlali baseMjondolo is an egalitarian and democratic organisation of the poor. It is dedicated to the self-improvement and self-education of people who have been made poor by an unjust economic system. We organise ourselves to be able to discuss and understand our situation better and to be able to struggle for justice.

AbM is not a political party. We are a an independent poor people's organisation. We accept people regardless of the political parties that they are coming from but we keep party politics out of the movement and all our leaders must agree to remain independent from all political parties.

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