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6 September 2007

London: Camberwell Squatted Centre Evicted

The Camberwell Squatted Centre Has Been Evicted 30-08-07

Photograph of a panel from a photo exhibition on the Motala struggle at the Camberwell Squatted Centre. The Centre also held two screenings of and discussions on the Abahlali film Breyani & the Councillor

Text from UK IndyMedia

Just to let you know that the Camberwell Squatted Centre was evicted unexpectedly this morning by a van load of High Court bailiffs and 2 van loads of police, who climbed in to the building at 4.30am and surprised the occupants. Helped by the Southwark Council scaffolding which gave them a leg up into the place.

They gave us a few hours to move our stuff out, which we did, calmly refusing to be hassled, sitting down now and again to have a rest and a coffee under the itchy eyes of the bailiffs. We took out all the residents’ stuff plus most of the gear we had put into the place to make it workable and liveable – the plumbing, the locks, cookers, plates, pans, stereo etc.

Some stuff we had to leave but very little.

Although we were caught on the hop, we manged to respond practically and calmly, not breaking down or losing it… Despite our attachment to the building, our investment of hard work and emotion, the feelings that have grown up through the events we have put on and the collective experience we have had keeping the Squat Centre going.


Immediately we are calling a meeting for Friday 31st August at 8pm, at 56a Info Shop, 56 Crampton St, London SE17, to discuss our next move: how we respond to the eviction, rehousing of residents, and the possibilities for our next move, as a group, a new building?…. We would welcome anyone who has been involved or attended events to come down and help us plan what happens now. It was your space as well!

Some of the events that have been planned for the next few weeks at the Squat may well happen elsewhere, but this will be decided at the meeting.

The most important thing to keep in mind here is – this is not the end. One building may have been taken back by the profiteering scum who live off our backs… But the ideas, projects, plans, collective ways of working together for ourselves, continue, whether it is in a new building, or in other ways… The inspiration we have had from meeting so many people, from Camberwell and beyond, will carry on and bear fruit in unexpected places.