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6 October 2007

Statement of Solidarity for Abahlali from Dikmen Valley, Ankara, Turkey


Our dear brothers and sisters

When the poor and the labourer march for a more human and equal world, they always are always confronted with the repression and brutality of the masters of this dark order.

Because our poverty is their richness; because our precarious living conditions mean a secure life for them. Our exploitation is a source of their welfare.

Although there are kilometers of distance in between us and just because of this we are not able to participate in your march to support you and sing freedom songs for our arrested brothers, you hove to know that our heart is together with you.

Because either we are here in the Dikmen Valley in Ankara, Turkey or in Pretoria, Cape Town or Durban in South Africa or in Chile, Argentina, Korea, both our fate and the road for our emancipation are common.

Of course we will be the one saying the last word against those who even deny us a humanly house that we can live in, eat our meals and look after our children in security and who deny us our right to housing.

We salute your struggle with our respects!

We strongly condemn the aggression against your march!

We wish your road to be open!

Poor people of Dikmen Valley, Ankara (Turkey) against evictions

PS: We plan here to organize demonstrations and activities against the South African State

The people of Dikmen Valley are currently organising a march on the South African embassy in Ankara. Visit the links below to read about Abahlali in Turkish: