23 December 2011
Terrible Shack Fire in Kennedy Road
Friday, December 23, 2011
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement
Terrible Shack Fire in Kennedy Road
Last night, in the middle of the night, at about 00:28, a shack fire took place in Kennedy Road. About 300 shacks went to ashes and approximately 1500 people were left homeless.

Kennedy Road Burns Again
The reason of the fire is still unknown but it is suspected that a candle was left lighted. A small child at about the age of 2 years was badly injured and was rushed to a hospital. No one came to the scene aside from Abahlali baseMjondolo. What a shame it is when even the councillor himself doesn’t bother to come and see how the damage is. The community was hoping that their ward 25 councillor would come to see the damage and offer support. Their hopes were raised when they saw him coming with the Municipality cars. One of the cars was from Housing. But he did not even bother to consider coming to the place where there was this fire. He just ignored the people who had their hopes up and went straight to the hall and told the people that he was there to write the list of those who are suppose to get food vouchers for Christmas. In the past these vouchers have been abused for party political purposes.
It becomes more of a shame if a councillor who was voted by the people yesterday turns a blind eye to the problems that is facing that particular community today. It even raises question about what is the role of councilors if people won’t even get any assistance from the councillor after a disaster.
While the whole world will celebrating Christmas, and with their families in their homes, these vulnerable people will be stranded outside, hopeless and not even having anything to eat, or a shelter.
We have been organising against shack fires since 2005. We have marched, we have issued statements and we have even produced a report on shack fires. We have organised training for people to be able to make safe connections to electricity on their own. We have said over and over again that it is the denial of electricity to shack dwellers that is the main cause of shack fires. And yet we are still denied legal access to electricity and when we connect ourselves the securities and police are still sent in to disconnect us. Sometimes they shoot at us during these disconnections. When they are not coming with guns to disconnect us they insult us by work-shopping us on fire safety. We know what causes fires. The problem is not that we are ignorant. The problem is that we are using candles in shacks instead of electricity in houses. The problem is that we are oppressed.
We are left to burn because we don't count to this society.
Even when people succeed in the struggle to choose their own councillors the councillors work for the party and not the people. Our humanity will only be recognised when we build enough power from below to be able to demand real equality.
For more information please contact:
Sindi Maluleka: 073 234 4281 (Kennedy Road Resident)
Bandile Mdlalose: 071 424 2815 (Abahlali Secretary General)