Repression continues in eKhenana. Another court victory for the women of eKhenana

Wednesday, 9 February 2022
Abahlali press statement

Repression continues in eKhenana. Another court victory for the women of eKhenana

The alliance between the local ANC, the eThekwini municipality and the Cato Manor police continues to terrorise the community of the eKhenana Commune. All the cases, which are ten, opened by Abahlali members remain ignored and not investigated. These crimes against our members include attempted murders, assault, burning of property (including two homes), theft and lying in court. The police have refused to act against the perpetrators on the instruction of the local ANC chief, Mr NS Ngubane. However, each time the local ANC members report lies the police jump to arrest our members without any evidence being brought before a court of law. Our members have repeatedly been arrested on trumped up charges and then often denied bail and detained in prison, sometimes for up to six months. Continue reading

The Msunduzi Municipality engages the ANC, not the people

Thursday, 3 February 2022
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

The Msunduzi Municipality engages the ANC, not the people

On the 28th of January residents of the Jika Joe settlement in Pietermartizburg took to the streets after a long history of state abandonment going back to 1994. For more than a quarter of a century the Msunduzi Municipality had failed to address the inhumane conditions in the settlement, and had failed completely to address the issue of housing despite numerous promises. At the same time the taxi mafia and local politicians were supporting the landlords who were extracting rent from the residents.

As a result of the road blockades organised on 28 January, which shut down the city, the municipal Speaker, Eunice Majola, was forced to come and address the community. She promised to come back to the community with a response after meeting with the officials in the Human Settlements department. She spoke like a leader that was not biased and as leader that was prepared to solve the issue with the community. Her good faith was noted and appreciated.  Continue reading

Jika Joe Residents Grab the Bull by the Horns

30 January, 2022
Abahlali baseMjondolo

Jika Joe Residents Grab the Bull by the Horns

On Thursday morning residents of the Jika Joe settlement in the Msunduzi Municipality blockaded the roads leading into Pietermaritzburg, the capital city of KwaZulu-Natal. They shut down the city.

The army was brought in but it was the taxi mafia that actually attacked the protestors. Sandiso Mazendala was shot after drivers from the Masukwana taxi rank opened fire at protestors after they refused to dismantle a blockade. They also assaulted Bongekile Madlala. Mazendala is in a critical condition in Northdale hospital. Continue reading

The elections are over and the politicians have already forgotten about the poor

19 January 2022
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

The elections are over and the politicians have already forgotten about the poor

Our movement was formed on the basis of living politics. A politic that speaks about the fact that the poor still live under very inhuman conditions, the fact that we still do not have land, that we do not have even basic services such as water, sanitation and refuse collection in the shacks, the fact that the fires come year after year. Ipolitiki ephilayo has been our way of living. It is the politic of Land, Housing and Dignity, the politic of solidarity the politic of building the democratic power of the oppressed from below.  Continue reading

An Important Victory in the Struggle Against GBV

Wednesday, 8 December 2021
Abahlali baseMjondolo Women’s League Press Statement

An Important Victory in the Struggle Against GBV

Truth never damages a cause that is just. Law is not law, if it violates the principles of eternal and universal justice.

The Abahlali Women’s League celebrated a tremendous victory on the 6th of December 2021 at the Pietermaritzburg High Court. The serial rapist, Msomi, who is 31 years of age, received a sentence of 123 years and 5 life sentences in prison for the rape of more than 60 women. One of these women is a very senior leader of AbM. Continue reading

The justice system continues to fail us in eKhenana

2 December 2021
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

The justice system continues to fail us in eKhenana

On the 23rd of November the Cato Manor police finally arrested three of the six people who are widely understood to be responsible for burning down of the houses of two women leaders of Abahlali in eKhenana.

Nkosingiphile Nsele, Sibusiso Mdluli and Mthandeni Mfeka were arrested on the 23rd November and appeared at the Durban Magistrate Court on the 25th November. They were granted bail of R2 000 each.  Continue reading

Letter of solidarity from NUMSA

28 November 2021

Dear comrades of Abahlali baseMjondolo,

On behalf of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa and the Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party, we send you fraternal greetings as you sit in your elective congress.
The principles of democracy and renewing mandates is important to our collective task of building the power of the impoverished and the working class. Continue reading

Letter of solidarity from the Socialist Party (Zambia)

Dear Comrades

Today 28 November 2021, Abahlali baseMjondolo, the shack dwellers movement in South Africa will hold its Elective Congress in Durban. Held every three years, this moment serves to deepen the movement’s internal democracy.

We know this year has been particularly difficult for AbM. The movement has faced extreme levels of persecution and repression from the state with various members having been arrested on false and trumped up charges. Considering AbM represents the most marginalized and oppressed members of society, it is the movement’s constituency that has been most violated by the neoliberal South African state’s response to the pandemic. Here, increased evictions and heightened levels of hunger have defined this moment. Continue reading

Abahlali to hold Elective Congress to deepen our internal democracy

Saturday, 27 November 2021
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

Abahlali to hold Elective Congress to deepen our internal democracy

It is that time of the year where the mandate given to our current leadership by our members is ending. The Abahlali National Council term of office runs for three years, while the provincial term runs for two years. The Local Council office term runs for a year. Tomorrow Sunday, 28 November ,Abahlali from around the country will meet at 135 Musgrave Road in Durban to elect our new leaders. The movement is determined to deepen our internal democracy. This is an opportunity to affirm that our Movement belongs to its members. Delegates comes from our branches in good standing and candidates have been nominated by branches in good standing. New branches are also invited to observe the election. Continue reading

The majority have rejected the ANC

Saturday, 06 November 2021
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

The majority have rejected the ANC

Only around a quarter of people eligible to vote chose to cast their votes for the ANC in the recent election. The mass stay away from the polls is a mass rejection of the ANC, along with the DA and the EFF which could not attract the support of significant numbers of former ANC voters. When you do not respect the dignity of the people and you undermine their power you always pay the price.

We have always said that the day is coming where South Africans will no longer have the loyalty to the ANC and will vote them out of power. This election shows that that day is coming. Continue reading