Not wanted here, there or anywhere

Paddy Harper, Mail & Guardian

Put to bed: Men move their possessions back after evictions last Friday at the Barcelona 2 transit camp in Lamontville. Abahlali baseMjondolo was able to halt the ‘unlawful’ evictions. (Rogan Ward)
Put to bed: Men move their possessions back after evictions last Friday at the Barcelona 2 transit camp in Lamontville. Abahlali baseMjondolo was able to halt the ‘unlawful’ evictions. (Rogan Ward)

None of the residents of Barcelona 2, an eThekwini municipality transit camp in Lamontville in South Durban, wants to be there. Continue reading

Unrelenting in face of harassment, Shack-dwellers’ movement wins in court

The Dawn News

Durban court orders municipality to reinstate 40 families that were evicted from a transit camp

Image: AbM

Pavan Kulkarni / The Dawn News / June 20, 2018

Resisting eviction in the face of threats from ANC leaders and violence by Security Management Unit, the residents of a transit camp in the town of Lamontville in South Africa, organized by Abahlali baseMjondolo (Shack-dwellers movement), won a victory against the eThekwini Municipality after Durham court ordered it on June 14 to reinstate the 40 families that were illegally evicted over the past few days. The court has also ordered the municipality to stop further evictions. Continue reading

Movimento de moradia denuncia ameaças do governo contra lideranças na África do Sul

Brasil de Fato

Desde novembro foram assassinadas ao menos três lideranças do maior movimento de moradores de favelas do país


São Paulo


Maior movimento de moradores de favelas da África do Sul denuncia ameaças de líderes de governo municipal - Créditos: Abahlali baseMjondolo
Maior movimento de moradores de favelas da África do Sul denuncia ameaças de líderes de governo municipal / Abahlali baseMjondolo

O movimento de favelas sul-africano Abahlali baseMjondolo (AbM) denunciou o que considera declarações “antidemocráticas, autoritárias e ameaçadoras” feitas pela prefeita de eThekwini, Zandile Gumede, e pela líder da bancada do partido no legislativo, Nelly Nyanisa, durante audiência realizada na semana passada. “Diante do clima de intimidação e violência [na província de] KwaZulu-Natal, que inclui o assassinato de várias de nossas lideranças, recebemos essas ameaças com máxima seriedade”, declarou a organização em nota Continue reading

Court allows Durban evictees to return to their homes


Lamontville Transit Camp residents were evicted on Friday by the City of eThekwini

Photo of Lamontville shack

Residents of Lamontville Transit Camp were evicted by the City of eThekwini’s Security Management Unit and the Department of Human Settlements, in Lamontville South of Durban on Friday. The Durban High Court allowed them to return in a court ruling on Monday. Photo: Rethabile Phakisi for New Frame  Continue reading

The Social Justice Coalition condemns threats & violence against our Abahlali baseMjondolo comrades in KZN!

The Social Justice Coalition (SJC) condemns threats and intimidation by ANC leaders in eThekwini against Abahlali baseMjondolo.

The reports in the past week about eThekwini Mayor Zandile Gumede and Councillor Nelly Nyanisa are very disturbing and must be condemned. Mayor Gumede labeled comrades of Abahlali as being used by a “third force”, and Councillor Nyanisa made a threat saying “we will deal with them”. These are very dangerous statements in an already politically violent environment in KZN. Continue reading

Victory in Court!

18 June 2018
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

Victory in Court!

On Friday, beginning at around 10 am, the notorious Security Management Unit illegally, brutally and violently evicted more than 40 families in the Barcelona 2 ‘transit camp’. The eviction was carried out until 1 am in the morning on Saturday. A number of people were wounded during the attack.

This morning Abahlali baseMjondolo went to court in defence of our members. We defeated the eThekwini Municipality in court. The movement has obtained a spoilation order to reinstate our members who have been illegally evicted by the Municipality. The court ordered that those who were illegally evicted in Barcelona 2 must be reinstated, and that the municipality does not carry out any further evictions in the area Continue reading

The Rot Exceeds the Question of Corruption

Published in Business Day.

The Rot Exceeds the Question of Corruption

Richard Pithouse

Day after day, and year after year, the news in South Africa carries reports of people declaring that they are not animals. A migrant at the fundamentally corrupt and abusive ‘reception centre’ in Marabastad, Pretoria, says that “They treat us like a dog, they don’t do right. They just want money.” A report on an even more abusive prison in Bloemfontein notes that a leaked video shows an inmate shouting “No! I am not a donkey” before being injected with anti-psychotic drugs. People making their lives in shacks repeatedly declare that they are ‘living like pigs in the mud’, or that ‘we live like rats’. When the police open fire on a road blockade, or hurl teargas into a shack settlement, people are often say that they have been treated ‘like dogs’. Continue reading

Court victory for shack dwellers’ movement

18 June 2018 – 17:02 BY SUTHENTIRA GOVENDER

Members of the Abahlali baseMjondolo movement.

Members of the Abahlali baseMjondolo movement. 

Shack dweller’s movement Abahlali baseMjondolo chalked up a victory against the eThekwini Municipality when the Durban High Court ordered on Monday that informal dwellers evicted from a “transit camp” outside the city‚ be allowed to return to their homes. Continue reading

Squatters square off with municipality over evictions

Times Live

Bongani Mthethwa

Shack dwellers’ movement Abahlali baseMjondolo approached the Durban High Court on Monday to stop the eThekwini municipality from carrying out evictions after residents were allegedly evicted from a “transit camp” on Friday.

According to an Abhalali statement‚ the eThekwini municipal Anti-Land Invasion Unit descended on the Barcelona 2 area in Lamontville on Friday and “violently and unlawfully evicted the residents from the disgraceful ‘transit camps’ that were forcefully imposed on them seven years ago for the FIFA World Cup.” Continue reading