The Memorial Service for the late Nokuthula Mabaso will be held at eKhenana on Thursday

11 May 2022
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

The Memorial Service for the late Nokuthula Mabaso will be held at eKhenana on Thursday

On Thursday, 12th May 2022, we will be honouring and respecting our leader Nokuthula Mabaso. She was a mother and militant who served the poor and our struggle for land and dignity with courage and humility. She was a brave woman who was instrumental in the establishment of the eKhenana occupation that has ensured that more than 100 families have a place they can call home. Continue reading

A statement of solidarity from the Socialist Movement of Ghana

8 May 2022


The Socialist Movement of Ghana (SMG) extends its condolences to the Abahlahi base Mjondolo (Shack Dwellers Movement) of South Africa on the gruesome assassination of Comrade Nokuthula Mabaso, a leader of the Movement in the ekhenana commune.

We note that this is not an isolated case but an addition to the long list of cadres of the movement who have been killed because of their community and political work.

On March 8, 2022, Ayanda Ngila, a young leader of the commune was also brutally assassinated. The assassination of Comrade Nokuthula Mabaso brings to 23 the number of members of the movement who have been assassinated. Continue reading

Nokuthula Mabaso was assassinated in eKhenana last night

6 May 2022
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

Nokuthula Mabaso was assassinated in eKhenana last night

Nokuthula Mabaso, a powerful leader in the eKhenana Commune and the Women’s League, was assassinated in eKhenana last night.

The eKhenana Commune has been under ruthless attack for years. There have been more than thirty illegal and violent evictions, including evictions in violation of court orders. People have been assaulted, had their homes burnt, been arrested on trumped up charges and jailed for long periods. Continue reading

Abahlali baseMjondolo to hold a Prayer Vigil at the eNkanini Occupation

24 April 2022
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

Abahlali baseMjondolo to hold a Prayer Vigil at the eNkanini Occupation

In honouring and remembering those we have lost in the devastating floods this month Abahlali baseMjondolo will, responding to a call from our members, hold a multi-faith Prayer Vigil.

Many people from the shacks and townships around Durban have been hit hard by these floods which have taken more than 400 lives. Many people are still missing. Many are homeless and desperate. People are traumatized and in despair. They do not know who to turn to. Continue reading

The floods have affected the poorest of the poor the most

12 April 2022
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

The floods have affected the poorest of the poor the most

Every disaster in Durban – from the hard lockdown to the riots, fires and floods – hits the poor the hardest. Natural disasters become entwined with political disasters, often resulting in devastation for the poor.

Since 2005 we have been saying that the conditions under which we are forced to live in a repressive society are dangerous as well as undignified.

The floods in KwaZulu-Natal have devastated many shack settlements, and some rural areas too. Some people were rescued as the rivers burst their banks but many lives have been lost. Continue reading

Human rights only exist on paper for the poor

21 March 2022
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

Human rights only exist on paper for the poor

Yesterday we buried Ayanda Ngila in Port St. Johns. The day before we buried Siyabonga Manqele in eShowe. Ayanda was murdered by ANC thugs and Siyabonga was murdered by the police. This is the reality of how the ruling party and the state respond when the oppressed insist on the recognition of our human dignity and yet today they tell us that we must celebrate our human rights, and that these rights were brought to us by the ANC. Continue reading

This weekend we lay two comrades to rest

18 March 2022
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

This weekend we lay two comrades to rest

On Saturday Siyabonga Manqele, a member of our movement, will be laid to rest in eMasundwini, eShowe. He was murdered during an attack on the eNkanini Occupation by masked police officers on Friday last week. He shot in the back of the head. He was unarmed at the time of the shooting. Continue reading

Masked police officers murder resident of the eNkanini Occupation

12 March 2022
Abahlali baseMjondolo Emergency Press Statement

Masked police officers murder resident of the eNkanini Occupation

Last night, at around 11pm, a large number of police officers arrived at the eNkanini Occupation in Cato Crest, not far from the eKhenana Commune. The number plates had been removed from their cars, and their faces were masked. They had someone with them, also masked, who took them to particular homes. The residents report that they thought that the police officers were not local, and that they heard them saying that they had a list of ten people to arrest. Continue reading

We honour our leader Ayanda Ngila this Sunday

11 March 2022
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press statement

We honour our leader Ayanda Ngila this Sunday

This Sunday, 13th March 2022 at 10 am, we will be holding a memorial service for our fallen hero, Ayanda Ngila, whose blood has nourished our struggle for land, housing, dignity and socialism. The memorial service will take place in eKhenana, where his life was finally taken.

When he was assassinated Ayanda was wearing a Steve Biko T-shirt with the writing “It’s better to die for an idea that is going to live than to live for an idea that is going to die”. He looked up to Biko’s ideal. After the assassination Ayanda’s uncle told us that well before the killers came for him the family had accepted that Ayanda would have to give his life to the struggle, and that they understood and respected his decision to commit to the struggle.  Continue reading

A statement of solidarity from the Socialist Movement of Ghana following the assassination of Ayanda Ngila



The Socialist Movement of Ghana (SMG) mourns the assassination of Comrade Ayanda Ngila, Deputy Chairperson of eKhanana Occupation of South Africa’s militant Shack Dwellers Movement Abahlali baseMjondolo (AbM). Our heartfelt condolences go out to his family and loved ones and to all our comrades of AbM. Continue reading