Hear our Cries! Yizwa ukukhala kwethu! Voices of Kennedy Road:

Letters from the Youth to the Mayor and the President/ Amazwi Abahlali
bakuKennedy Road

Sekwanele ukuphuma kwemiphefumulo engenacala. Ngenxa yokuthi umbani asinawo nezindlu
zethu zamaphepha. Asinawo ngisho amatoilet sizikhulula ezihlahleni. Kodwa sithi
imiphefumulo yethu iyosiphendulela ngelinye ilanga kulungile uma kuzwakala kangcono
kuwena ukufa kwabanbu sekwanele ukufa kwezihlobo zethu. Sekwanele ukuhlala
eminondolo. Sekwanele ukuzithulula ehlathini.
We want you to show us what you are doing because being burned is not a good thing. Is it good to you to hear that people are dying because of fire while you are sitting there eating expensive food?

This is a pamphlet written by the youth of Kennedy Road shack settlement to the Mayor of Durban and to Thabo Mbeki. Read it in full.