28 April 2013
Isolezwe: Bafuna ashenxe esikhundleni uGumede

Abahlali Want Gumede Out
The article describes how the he campaign to have Gumede fired by the Mayor James Nxumalo is gaining momentum. It quotes AbM saying that Gumedes failure to provide leadership and deal with corruption, to provide open no housing lists etc demonstrate his lack of required leadership in Human settlement. It also says that as we speak in KwaNdengezi, Uganda and Isipingo houses are being sold. It also touches on the recent AbM victory in court and the question of police brutality.
Gumede's comments are weak. He says about Abahlali that: "its now clear that this movement was formed to attack me. Its clear that the leadership of AbM has an issue with me. And that this movement is used by other people in politics to further their agenda. Why don't they report me to Public Protector if I am corrupt? Abahlali aims at ruining my reputation."