Ayanda Ngila è stato ucciso presso la Comune di eKhenana.

08 marzo 2022
Comunicato stampa di Abahlali baseMjondolo

Ayanda Ngila è stato ucciso presso la Comune di eKhenana.

Ayanda Ngila un leader della Comune di eKhenana, un giovane coraggioso, brillante e impegnato, un leader visionario d’ ispirazione per tutti noi è stato ucciso oggi poco prima delle 3 del pomeriggio.

Quattro uomini sono entrati nella Comune dal lato del fiume dove si trova l’orto comune e hanno iniziato a sparare ad Ayanda mentre stava lavorando alla pompa di irrigazione.
L’attacco è stato guidato da Khaya Ngubane fratello di Ntokozo Ngubane e figlio di NS Ngubane.
Questo è il gruppo dell’Africa National Congress che ha costantemente portato false testimonianze contro i nostri membri, che ha ordinato alla polizia chi doveva essere arrestato e chi no, che ha cospirato con il magistrato in capo quando i nostri compagni dovevano apparire in corte. Ha bruciato case, vandalizzato le infrastrutture della Comune e ha agito con totale impunità contro i nostri membri. Continue reading

And He Shall Inherit the Earth: Kairos Center statement on the murder of Ayanda Ngila

9 March 2022

And He Shall Inherit the Earth: Kairos Center statement on the murder of Ayanda Ngila

We are currently in the season of Lent, a time of both struggle and lament. We at the Kairos Center and the Freedom Church of the Poor cry out in righteous anger and sorrow at the murder this week of Ayanda Ngila. Ayanda was a young and brilliant leader and organizer with Abahlali baseMjondolo (the shack dwellers movement) in South Africa, who was killed by members of a group connected to the Durban ANC.  Continue reading

A statement of solidarity from the Church Land Programme in response to the assassination of Ayanda Ngila

Solidarity Statement for Abahlali BaseMjondolo in the face of Death

To all Abahlali Comrades, family and friends of the late Ayanda Ngila:

Church Land Programme is appalled by the senseless killing of Ayanda Ngila on the 8th March 2022 at his settlement eKhenana. Another sacred life taken; another precious family member ripped from his loved ones; another Abahlali member persecuted and silenced. We mourn and cry out with you in pain and anger – stop these attacks! Continue reading


Released: 09 March 2022

The People’s United Democratic Movement has received the sad news of the untimely passing and brutal murder of land activists and Abahlali Basemjondolo Movement leader, Comrade Ayanda Ngila. We extend our heartfelt condolences to the Abahlali Basemjondolo Movement, his family and the entire Socialist Movement. Continue reading

Ayanda Ngila acaba de ser asesinado en eKhenana

Martes, 8 de marzo de 2022 – Comunicado de Abahlali baseMjondolo

Ayanda Ngila acaba de ser asesinado en eKhenana

Ayanda Ngila, líder de la comuna de eKhenana, un joven brillante y comprometido, un líder visionario, acaba de ser asesinado en eKhenana. Cuatro hombres entraron a la comuna por el lado del río, donde está el jardín comunal, y atacaron a Ayanda cuando estaba trabajando en las tuberías de riego.

El ataque fue dirigido por Khaya Ngubane, hermano de Ntokozo Ngubane e hijo de NS Ngubane. Este es el grupo del ANC (Congreso Nacional Africano) que constantemente ha dado falso testimonio contra nuestros miembros, ordenó a la policía que arrestara y no arrestara, entraba y salía de la oficina del Magistrado Jefe cuando nuestros camaradas comparecían ante el tribunal, quemaba casas, destrozaba la infraestructura en la Comuna y actuó con total impunidad contra nuestros afiliados. Continue reading

Ayanda Ngila has been murdered at eKhenana

Tuesday, 8 March 2022
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

Ayanda Ngila has been murdered at eKhenana

Ayanda Ngila, a leader in the eKhenana Commune, a brave, brilliant and committed young man, a visionary leader, a shining inspiration, was murdered at eKhenana just before 3 this afternoon. Four men entered the commune from the river side, where the communal garden is, and started shooting at Ayanda as he was working on the irrigation pipping.

The attack was led Khaya Ngubane, brother to Ntokozo Ngubane and son to NS Ngubane. This is the ANC group that has constantly borne false witness against our members, directed the police who to arrest and not to arrest, moved in and out of the office of the Chief Magistrate when our comrades appear in court, burnt homes, vandalised the infrastructure on the Commune and acted with total impunity against our members. Continue reading

Ayanda Ngila vient d’être assassiné à eKhenana.

Mardi, 8 Mars 2022
Communiqué de Presse du mouvement Abahlali baseMjondolo

Ayanda Ngila vient d’être assassiné à eKhenana.

Ayanda Ngila, un leader de la commune d’eKhenana, un jeune homme brillant et engagé, un leader visionnaire, vient d’être assassiné à eKhenana. Quatre hommes sont entrés dans la commune par le côté de la rivière, où se trouve le jardin communal, et ont attaqué Ayanda alors qu’il travaillait sur les tuyaux d’irrigation.

L’attaque a été menée par Khaya Ngubane, frère de Ntokozo Ngubane et fils de NS Ngubane. C’est ce groupe de l’ANC qui ne cesse de porter de faux témoignages contre nos membres, de dire à la police qui arrêter et ne pas arrêter, d’entrer et de sortir du bureau du premier magistrat lorsque nos camarades comparaissent devant le tribunal, de brûler des maisons, de vandaliser les infrastructures de la commune et d’agir en toute impunité contre nos membres. Continue reading

Violent ANC attack on the eKhenana Commune on Sunday night – activists hospitalised.

8 March 2022
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

Violent ANC attack on the eKhenana Commune on Sunday night – activists hospitalised.

The eKhenana Commune in Cato Manor, Durban, has come under sustained violent assault from both the state and the ANC, with the local ANC working closely with the local police.
In recent months there have been more than forty arrests of Abahlali activists on trumped up charges as the local ANC and the police have sought to crush the Commune. These cases range from public violence – which has been the standard bogus charge brought against activists since our movement was formed in 2005 – to more serious charges such as attempted murder, conspiracy to kill state witnesses and murder. Activists have been denied bail and kept in jail for as long as six months before the spurious charges against them are dropped. Some activists have swiftly been arrested on a second bogus charge soon after being released from prison after a first bogus charge is dropped. Continue reading

Our lives continue to count for nothing as the Vusimuzi community loses everything in floods

24 February 2022
Abahlali baseMjondolo Movement SA Press statement

Our lives continue to count for nothing as the Vusimuzi community loses everything in floods

This year marks twenty-eight years since the evil system of apartheid was abolished after a long and very hard fight by black South Africans who resisted oppression with great courage. However, that struggle has been betrayed by the ANC.

One of the many consequences of that betrayal is that millions of people continue to have to live in shacks, under very difficult and dangerous conditions. Continue reading

We welcome the strong social dimensions of the expert panel report on the July riots

Thursday, 10 February 2022
Abahlali baseMjondolo

We welcome the strong social dimensions of the expert panel report on the July riots

The poor are systematically excluded from formal discussions in South Africa. We are usually not treated as if we are citizens, or even as human beings. It is often the norm that when grassroots organisation are actually engaged by commission of inquiries and panels our voices do not appear when the reports are released. It is as if elites just can’t hear us when we speak.
The Expert Panel Report on the July unrest in KwaZulu-Natal and parts of Gauteng led by Professor Sandy Africa is an exception. When we were called to the panel we thought that it was just one more of those ticking box exercises by the government. However, many of the issues that we have raised in during the panel finding are reflected in the report. Continue reading