“Our Land – Our Harvest” Urgent aid to Abahlali baseMjondolo

Amadiba Crisis Committee 2021-07-23:

“Our Land – Our Harvest” Urgent aid to Abahlali baseMjondolo

Today Friday 23 July, a bakkie full of sweet potatoes, amadumbe, beans, oranges from the coast of Amadiba in Eastern Cape arrived at Briandene community north of Durban.

200 houses and shacks were burnt to the ground in Briandene during the unrest in Durban. Nobody knows who committed this crime. People lost everything in the fire. Hundreds of women, children and men found themselves under the open sky. Continue reading

Agent Provocateurs at Work in this Time of Crisis

Saturday, 17 July 2021
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

Agent Provocateurs at Work in this Time of Crisis

During this week of crisis in which lives have been lost, homes burnt to the ground, places of work wrecked and infrastructure destroyed in a systematic way there has been constant circulation of fake news on social media. In many cases that fake news has been aimed at dividing communities and turning people against each other.  Continue reading

KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng are burning, we need to build a just peace

Tuesday, 13 July 2021
Abahlali baseMjondolo

KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng are burning, we need to build a just peace

Abahlali baseMjondolo has always warned that the anger of the poor can go in many directions. We have warned again and again that we are sitting on a ticking time bomb.

We have warned for too long that people cannot continue to live in terrible poverty only to be ignored year after year. We have made it clear that people will not allow their humanity to be vandalised forever. For too long we have been explaining that we are ruled with violence and that the public often accept this by their silence.  Continue reading

We condemn the torture of Magnificent Mndebele and Cebelihle Mbuyisa in Swaziland

8 July 2021
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

We condemn the torture of Magnificent Mndebele and Cebelihle Mbuyisa in Swaziland

There can be no freedom without a free and democratic media. However, across Africa, and in many other parts of the world, journalists continue to face difficult and dangerous working conditions. Some have been jailed, tortured and assassinated. In many countries the media has been captured by repressive states. Africa has become a capital of oppression and the torture of activists and journalists.  Continue reading

Abahlali baseMjondolo in Solidarity with the people of Swaziland

30 June 2021
Abahlali baseMjondolo Movement SA Press statement

Abahlali baseMjondolo in Solidarity with the people of Swaziland

The people of Swaziland have been living under a brutal dictatorship for many years. The monarchy has ruled the country with iron fists. Journalists, trade unionists, students and other kinds of activists have been subject to severe repression including imprisonment, torture and murder. Many have had to flee the country.  Continue reading

Abahlali Youth League to Hold a Political Education Discussion Tomorrow

15 June
Abahlali baseMjondolo Movement SA Press Statement

Abahlali Youth League to Hold a Political Education Discussion Tomorrow

The Abahlali baseMjondolo Youth League will hold a Political Education and Discussion at the Surat Hindoo and Association Hall in Prince Edward Street on June 16th, youth day.

June 16th is known as the day where young people in this country laid down their lives in the struggle for this country to be free. However, the freedom that they fought for is not realised by most young people.  Continue reading

The dignity of the poor is not recognised by the ANC

8 June 2021
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

The dignity of the poor is not recognised by the ANC

The ANC led municipality in Durban continues to undermine people who live in shack settlements. In a normal society government would engage people around questions of development in their communities. Democracy should not just be about elections, it should be a living day to day practice. Development should be participatory.

This is not the case in the eThekwini Municipality where the ANC thinks and makes decisions in the name of the people without consulting the people. We as the people who live in shacks are taken as people who cannot think for ourselves. It is assumed that someone who lives in the suburbs, someone who does not know and understand the situation of the people who live in shacks, must think for us.  Continue reading

The country goes deeper into crisis as the unemployment rate increases

7 June 2021
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement

The country goes deeper into crisis as the unemployment rate increases

Abahlali baseMjondolo has always understood and taught that the poor were made poor and are kept poor by oppression. Our ancestors were made poor by the loss of their land and cattle and the destruction of their autonomy by colonialism. They were kept poor by the system of racial capitalism that developed out of colonialism. We have been kept poor by the ANC which has fought for themselves and their families to become part of that system rather than to build a new society in which the human dignity of all is recognised.  Continue reading

Abahlali KwaZulu-Natal will Hold its Elective Congress on 29 May 2021

Friday, 28 May 2021
Abahlali baseMjondolo

Abahlali KwaZulu-Natal will Hold its Elective Congress on 29 May 2021

Our movement continues to be committed to the principles of democratic practice. This includes careful consensus-based decision making in meetings, regular open assemblies at which everyone can speak and elections for imisebenzi (duties) on the councils at various levels of the movement. There is always a right to recall. Continue reading

Bonono and Gasela out of Prison, Living Solidarity with Palestine on the Docks

Thursday, 20 May 2021
Abahlali baseMjondolo press statement

Bonono and Gasela out of Prison, Living Solidarity with Palestine on the Docks

There was much to celebrate in Durban today. At the Magistrates Court our Deputy President Mqapheli Bonono and Maphiwe Gasela, the secretary of the eKhenana branch, were given bail and, amid scenes of great collective jubilation, returned to freedom, their families and comrades.

Bonono, Gasela, and Miya, who remains in prison, received incredible solidarity from around the world following their arrest.  Continue reading