Category Archives: Hillary

Occupy SOHCO Tomorrow

28 November 2011

SOHCO and the Private Destruction of the Right to Public Housing

Four weeks ago 77 people were evicted from the Valley View flats in Hillary. These flats are owned by SOHCO which is a social housing company. Social housing was set up to cover those who don’t qualify for RDP houses but are too poor to qualify for bonds. It is called a ‘public private partnership’. But the private side of this arrangement has taken over the public side. Tenants are being exploited by paying rentals that will, over their lives, be worth much more than the value of the flats and those that are falling behind are being evicted. They remain unable to get RDP houses and unable to get housing through the market and are therefore being excluded from access to housing. Social housing is therefore failing and it will continue to fail until the alliance between the government and private investors looking to make private profit is abandoned and replaced with an alliance between the government and co-operatives of people needing housing.

On Saturday night 50 of the evicted people returned to the flats to occupy them. The police succeeded in forcing them out again. They were repulsed again on Sunday night. They evicted Hillary residents have now decided to go and occupy SOHCO at their offices in 490 Jan Smut Highway (Mayville) on 29 November 2011 at 13:00pm

Comrades visiting Durban for the COP 17 conference are welcome to join the occupation.

Contact Details:

S’fiso: 079 818 1987
Nomfundo: 082 541 0855

Occupy Durban!

27 November 2011
Abahlali baseMjondolo Press Statement


Occupy Durban!
Occupations Currently Underway in Hillary, KwaMashu and Pinetown



Occupy Hillary 28 November 2011


We are human beings, not dogs, and every human being has a right to a decent home and a right, if they choose, to a place in the city. Economic, political and legal systems that deny these rights are a threat to our humanity and must be resisted. There is enough money and space in this world for every person to have a decent home. The problem is that the money and space are being held by the few to exclude the many. If the few continue to exclude the many then it is our responsibility to ourselves, our families and our communities to resist this oppression.

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Isolzwe: Babhodl’umlilo abahlali basemaflethini

Babhodl’umlilo abahlali basemaflethini

August 18 2011 at 12:14pm


KUCISHE kwachitheka gula linamasi izolo ngesikhathi abahlali basefulethini elixhaswe nguMasipala weTheku noMnyango wezokuHlaliswa kwaBantu esifundazweni, i-Valley View, eHillary bevuka umbhejazana beshisa amathayi becikwa isinqumo sokuba baxoshwe kulama fulethi. Amasango angenela kulama fulethi abevutha amalangabi emini, abahlali bepiklela amaphoyisa abesegcwele kule ndawo.

USihlalo wekomidi labahlali, uMnuz Troy Morrow, uthe abahlali bacasulwe ukunyuswa kwerenti okuthiwa isimba eqolo ekubeni kwakuthiwe le ndawo yakhelwe abantu abahola kancane.

UMorrow uthe beberenta u-R850 selokhu kwakhiwa lama fulethi, muva nje irenti isikhuphuke ngendlela exakile kwazise abanye abahlali sebekhokha imali ecela ku-R3 000.

“Namuhla kufike abebezokhipha abantu ezindlini ngoba bengasakwazi ukukhokha imali okwenyuswe ngayo irenti. Abantu bavele bathukuthela bashisa amathayi bavala amasango. Kuze kwadingeka kufonelwe nabantu abebesemsebenzini ukuze babuye ngoba bese singasaqondi ukuthi kuqhubekani,” kusho uMorrow.

Isinqumo sokuthi kukhishwe abahlali sigunyazwe yinkantolo ngemuva kokuba inkampani ewaphethe inikele khona.

Uthe akukhona ukuthi abafuni ukukhokha kodwa bafuna ukuthi kuhanjiswe ngokwesivumelwano esenziwa bethatha izikhiye.

Kudingeke ukuthi kubizwe amaphoyisa aqapha udlame emphakathini njengoba abantu kade sebevuke umbhejazane. Lama fulethi ayingxenye yohlelo lokwakhela abantu abantulayo izindlu ezibiza kancane. Akhiwa yinkampani ebizwa ngokuthi iSohco, ibambisene nomasipala weTheku nohulumeni.

Omunye wabahlali, uMnuz Small Zwane, uthe akusahanjiswa ngokwesivumelwano okwakungenwe kuso ekuqaleni. “Sethenjiswa ukuthi sizohlala kulama fulethi kuze kuphele iminyaka emine bese sikhokha irenti ngesivumelwano sokuthi sesingathenga. Kodwa konke lokhu sekuguqukile manje, abale nkampani bathi sekufanele sikhokhe irenti size sife,” kuchaza uZwane.

UMorrow uthe bazoyigxoba kuze kube kusasa kusalungiswa indaba yalama fulethi ngoba bashaya phansi ngonyawo abahlali bathi ngeke baze banyakaze bayophuma beyizidumbu.

UMasipala weTheku uyalwazi lolu daba lwamafulethi kodwa bakhala ngokuthi owayelusingethe ohlangothini lomkhandlu, uMnuz Thabo Mukoleli, wayekhombisa ukuchema nenkampani.

Abakwa-Sohco nomasipala abatholakalanga ukuphawula izolo.

Carta: Abahlali, «La voce dei poveri non si sente»

Abahlali, «La voce dei poveri non si sente»

«La voce dei poveri non si sente» dice all’agenzia Misna Sbu Zikode, tra i promotori di Abahlali baseMjondolo [«quelli che vivono nella baracche», il movimentato ospitato in Italia per i Mondiali al contrario]. «La Costituzione del Sudafrica e la stessa legge contro le occupazioni illegali – aggiunge – obbligano a garantire agli sfrattati sistemazioni alternative; ma è difficile difendere questo principio, perché le battaglie legali sono costose e i poveri non hanno soldi». Secondo Abahlali in questo momento più di seicento famiglie rischiano di esser cacciate da Hillary, un sobborgo povero di Durban. Il mese scorso anche la stampa straniera aveva raccontato il dramma degli sfrattati di Blikkiesdorp, in lingua afrikaans «la città di latta»: 1.500 tetti di lamiera sorti dal nulla fuori Città del Capo, dove in una stanza sola vivono anche in otto.

«Non vogliono far vedere le ingiustizie del Sudafrica», sostiene Zikode, convinto che la fine del regime di apartheid non abbia cancellato le discriminazioni di classe né ridotto il divario tra ricchi e poveri. Giudizi dolorosi in un paese che questa sera, con l’atteso saluto di Nelson Rolihala Mandela, alias Madiba, al Soccer City di Johannesburg, vuole celebrare l’Africa e una dignità ritrovata. Ma Mandela non ci sarà: Zenani, bisnipote tredicenne dell’ex presidente sudafricano, è infatti morta in un incidente d’auto subito dopo aver lasciato il concerto alla vigilia del calcio d’inizio.

Nel sito di Carta, intanto, prosegue la raccolta firme dell’appello inviato da Zanotelli e Carta all’amasciata sudafricana in Italia.